Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lilian's Dance

A couple videos from Lilian's dance class tonight (it was parent watch night).  They are getting ready for the first recital of the season.

Lilian is the one in the pink/black/white witch costume.

I hope I did this right...I haven't ever successfully attached a video...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Our Week

Monday was a good day.  We celebrated Grandpa Pat's (Ron's stepfather) birthday and the Broncos had a very impressive win.

Tuesday we got up and Braison came out to the kitchen and asked me, "How do you think this could have happened to my eye?"  I looked at him and what appeared to be a black eye.  I told him maybe he hit himself in his sleep.  He said, "I just have so many boogers in this eye that I can't even open it!"  Ahhh! Conjunctivitis! So, off to the doctor we went (pink eye has been going around their school, but I thought maybe we had escaped it).

Wednesday we were dealing with Braison's pink eye (which seemed to be spreading to his left eye as well) when Lilian came down with a fever.  No other symptoms, just a fever.  So, we started to try to break it.  Ron came home sick with some stomach flu.  Yuck.

Thursday Lilian's fever was hovering around 102° and it would break with medicine, but go back up.  By now Braison had pink eye in both eyes.  No school for anyone.

Friday morning when Ron got up, he check Lilian's temperature because she seemed extra warm.  104.3°!  So, at 6am Ron headed off to work and the kids and I headed off to the E.R.  Turns out Lilian has a kidney infection (odd since she has had no complaints or issues besides the fever).

Saturday everyone (except for myself, who has been battling a bad head cold all week) was feeling better.  Both the kids' medicines had kicked in and started working their magic and Ron's bug was completely gone. I went to school while everyone else played it cool around the house.  We sure are glad this week is coming to an end and look forward to a healthier one to come!

On a completely unrelated note, here are a few photos from the photographer at my brother's wedding.

Friday, October 12, 2012

One Boy. One Girl.

Braison and Lilian fit their gender prejudices to a tee.

Braison earned his orange belt!
Lilian is in love with dancing.  Parents don't get to watch the class (it is too disruptive) normally, but there will be a day in a couple of weeks that we can attend.  So, I will have more photos then.
We couldn't be more proud of both the kids!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where have we been??

Here is a collage of photos I have taken in the last few weeks.  We have been canning. And canning.  And canning some more.
We have:
Jams of every kind
Pizza Sauce
Spaghetti Sauce
Peach Pie Filling
Pear Sauce
Green Beans
We are almost done.  Then we can resume life :o)