Monday, December 30, 2013

Grandpa built a new sled for the kids.  Perfect timing.  They had a blast.  Of course, they only made it one loop around the yard before they needed to come in for some hot chocolate to warm up.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Week-long Celebration

The kids have had quite the Christmas celebration.  A whole week's worth.

Being sweet.  Waiting patiently for presents.

I think she likes it

He was in disbelief 

Showing Grandpa how to work his new coffee mug

Happy boy

Dangerous girl

Playing Santa at Grandma Sheryl's

Being appreciative :o) 
Being angry :o)  This was one too many pair of underclothes for this boy.

THANK YOU SO MUCH GRANDPA KEVIN!!   They love their new tablets! 
As you can see, the kids had an awesome Christmas this year.  Thanks to everyone who helped make it so special and spoiled the kids into being just a little more rotten than they already were :o)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve

We will catch up on all of the festivities in a couple of days.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Dynamic Duo

These two put on a show for me today.  It included Braison playing the harmonica and Lilian dancing.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

2022 Olympics

I think they will be ready.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Temperatures plummeted and we got a real snow fall.

Last night we went to the night light parade.  It was about -50ยบ outside.

So, we decided the best place to be was in the back of Grandpa's car.  With the heater on full blast.

It was a great, long, parade.  While we were waiting for it to start, we could see the lights down the road, we commented that they were moving really slow to which Lilian exclaimed, "What are they, GRANDPARENTS?!?!"  

Saturday, December 7, 2013

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

The kid's class had a little Christmas program today.  They were able to show off their mad keyboarding skills and sang a couple of songs.  It was short and cute, so perfect.

Singing.  Kind of.

Being hams 

He wouldn't stop with the crazy eyes! 

With their teacher, Mrs. Demming
Ron took a couple little videos, which I will post as soon as I get them on the computer.  What a fun way to start this snowy day!