Monday, August 11, 2014


Today, Lilian started the 1st grade.  I can hardly believe it.

Lilian attends Legacy Charter School.
Her teacher is Mrs. Davis.
A note to our sweet miss:
We are so excited to see you learn and grow this year.
To learn who you really are.
As an individual.
Never forget, there is only one you!
Learn new things.
Make new friends.
Be independent.
Keep noticing all the wonderful things around you.
And, don't ever forget that there is always enough time to stop and smell the flowers, or pay someone a compliment.
We love you!


Today, Braison started the 1st grade.  He was just born last month, I swear.

Braison attends Victory Charter School.
His teacher is Mrs. Stockett.
A note to our baby boy:
You are so spirited!
We can't wait to see what this year brings for you.
You love to learn and explore, never stop that.
Get out there and become your own person.
Make a lot of friends.
Have a lot of fun.
It's ok to get into a little mischief sometimes.
Keep loving and laughing and smiling all of the time, especially now that you are our toothless wonder.
We love you!