Thursday, June 2, 2011


Following our recent conversation (found here), we finally decided that both kids wanted to take gymnastic.  Lilian was very excited to go pick out a new leotard for the occasion.  They were both thrilled to get to play on all of the fun things!  Here they are just outside of the gymnastics area.

 I got the best photos that I could, but the light was not great and we were sitting in bleachers a little ways away.
Going through the obstacle course

Braison running to the next station

Working on balance....HA!

They love everything gymnastics and they are the only two kids in their class, so that is a bonus too!  After class, if they have followed instruction and kept their listening ears on, they get a stamp and a coloring page. 
The class is a month-long class.  We will see at the end if either of them want to keep going or not....I have a feeling I already know the answer to that though :o)

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