Monday, November 16, 2009


Two years ago, today, at 3:46pm Braison came into this world. A curly (black) haired 4 pound 9 ounce peanut.  It seems so hard to believe that it was two years ago.  You wouldn't know it today that he came into this world struggling as much as he was.  This morning Braison weighed in at 31 pounds, and he has lost most of that black curly hair!
Braison has grown into such a big boy. He talks like crazy and is such a lover!  He will never pass up the opportunity to cuddle, at least for a minute, until something more exciting catches his eye.  He can count to ten with very little help and can easily count to five all by himself.  He will repeat the alphabet with us and loves doing it.  He has not yet received his second year molars, but all of his other teeth are in and looking good.  He is getting into the "mine" and "I do it" stage now.  It takes a little longer to get ready in the morning, but that is ok; he is always so proud when he puts on his own clothes.  His favorite food is hot dogs, he asks for one at every meal of the day and is some times very disappointed that he doesn't get what he wants.  We are working on learning the difference between whining and asking like a "big boy" for different things, it isn't going very well :o) And, as far a potty training goes, well...we will get there one of these days, and we don't think it is very far away.
He is really into Mickey Mouse now, in fact he sleeps with both a Mickey Mouse and a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal.  He also really loves choo-choo trains (Thomas the Train) and Elmo.  In fact, he chose Elmo as his birthday party theme.
The birthday party was quite a time!  All of the balloons, presents, people,, what a day!  After being around them for a little while, he got over his fear of the balloons and started to play with and enjoy them.  And, he is loving all of the new gifts that he received!
Thank you to everyone who helped us to celebrate and make Braison's birthday so special!
And, thank you to our sweet baby boy.  Our lives are filled with so much more love and laughter because you are in it, we couldn't have asked for a sweeter child.  You truly are a gift from above and we love you so much!

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