Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas / New Year's Experience

I guess it is better late than never.  Wow, time has been going by so fast and there has been so much going on that we are just now catching our breath!


We spent Christmas Eve at home, just the four of us.  It was nice to have some quiet time and to reflect and talk to the kids about the reason for the season.  We had a nice ham dinner and then went to look at Christmas lights.  After we returned home we had some dessert and opened our gifts to each other.  The kids really have the hang of opening gifts now!

Christmas morning we woke up and found what Santa brought - Braison and Lilian's very own Cruiser! They were extatic! We couldn't get them out of it, even for breakfast.  Later on Christmas Day we went to Grandpa and Grandma Sue's for dinner and celebration.  We had a very nice evening with them and a few of their friends.

The day after Christmas we were able to celebrate with Nana, Papa, Grandma Barbara, Uncle Tyler, Uncle BJ, Aunt Krista, and Cousin Chloee.  We had a nice potluck style dinner and then had gifts there as well.
What a whirlwind of a Christmas, we are so happy to celebrate with family and continue to love and honor our Lord and Savior.

New Year's:

Well, as some of you might know this New Year's my mom, Lisa, had a milestone birthday...the big 5-0! So, we decided to surprise her and take her out for a New Year's Eve/Birthday celebration.  Her best friends, Renae and Rob were able to be there to celebrate with us as well. We went to dinner at Bardenay downtown and then went the the Rockin New Year's Eve party at the Boise Centre on the Grove. We had a wonderful time dancing the night away! Then, after everyone rang in the new year, they called my mom out onto the dance floor, all by herself, and the band serenaded her with a Happy Birthday song. It was a fun night that will not be forgotten by any of us! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM/NANA!! And, Happy New Year to everyone!
**I know the photos are not great, but I forgot to take my camera!!**

Meanwhile, Braison and Lilian enjoyed a nice quiet New Year's Eve with their Grandpa and Grandma.

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