Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Snipit Of Our Year So Far...

The kids love love love their new Cruiser.  They have even been really good about taking turns driving it! But, usually it is Braison driving and Lilian riding, and they are both ok with that.
And, of course the kids are always being hams. Braison got a new booster seat and they have taken a liking to playing in it, just something new and exciting I suppose.  They were not pleased when it left to be put in the car, funny how it isn't so exciting when you are strapped to it! :o)
We had a decent amount of snow fall a few days ago and...
the kids made their first snow man!  They have been coloring snowmen for a while now, but this was so much better than a 2-D snowman!  Braison was in charge of carrying out the nose, eyes, buttons, and hat; he only lost one eye on the way, so all in all it was a success.   Lilian just wanted to hold his hand, they were both so proud!
Other than that, we have really just been living and loving life.  Until next time!

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