Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bangs, Beaters, Rags, and Librarians...

So, we didn't think the day would come for Lilian to need a haircut for, oh, about 20 years, but that day came on March 25, 2010!  No, we didn't cut much, just her bangs as they were getting into her eyes...
Poor little girls wasn't wearing her glasses, so her eyes crossed pretty bad, but you can see what an improvement a trim of the bangs made! And, now she will talk your ear off about her pretty new bangs :o)

While making cupcakes for a dinner that we were having the kids were excited to get involved...
By licking the beater, of course!  They were quite enthralled with them for close to an hour, they were the cleanest beaters you ever saw by the time they were done with them!
Ron made Braison quite the dew rag, out of a piece of an old Halloween costume, he loved it....
And, I think we just might have a future librarian on our hands....
Don't you think?!?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

Daddy: Braison, who gave you your belly button?

Braison: Grandma Barbara.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hiding in the grass

I got a call from my mother this morning, she watches Braison and Lilian while Ron and I work, to ask about a snake in our yard.  The kids were telling her about the snake that they found in the backyard yesterday, how it was in the grass, how they held it and pet it, and telling her the "sssssss" noise that snakes make.
Anyway, she called me to ask about the snake that we had found.  I asked her what she was talking about, and she relayed to me what the kids were telling her, while standing at the back door, reliving their experience.
That is when my laughter began, why you ask?  Because the "snake" that they were telling their Nana about was actually a 1/2" worm that we had found in the dirt.