Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Barbara!

Yesterday, my great-grandmother celebrated her 90th birthday....

We celebrated by having a wonderful dinner with all of the family that could be there.  Then, we surprised her by bringing in my brother (Tyler) via webcam to visit and help us sing to her....

She was pretty amazed with how the technology works.  We of course had to get some group photos while we were all together.

Here we are with Grandma.

Here is a photo of the 5 generations of females.  Lilian, myself, my mom, her mom, and her mom.

And, here is a group shot of everyone who was able to celebrate with us!
Top row from left: John (my step-dad), Lisa (my mom), Sharon (my grandmother), Dick (my grandfather), myself, Ron
Bottom Row from left: Doug (my 3rd cousin), Grandma Barbara (my great-grandmother), Lilian, Tammy (my great-great aunt), Braison, and Alfred (my great-great uncle, also my grandma Barbara's older brother)
Alfred, Tammy, and Doug traveled from the Tri-Cities to be here and we are so glad they were able to do so! We wish them a safe trip home.
Happy Birthday Grandma Barbara!

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