Monday, June 21, 2010

WHOA....What a Weekend!

We had a crazy busy weekend! We started off the weekend by heading out for some camping on Friday afternoon.  This was the kids' first camping trip, so we only planned to be out for one night and also planned to go somewhere fairly close to home, just in case.  Well, camping was a HUGE hit with them!  They loved every part of it and wanted to stay longer, but we didn't really come prepared, so we had to just promise that we would do it again very soon.  We wound up finding a place along the river outside of Crouch. Here are some photos:

We got home Saturday in the mid-afternoon.  We had originally planned to go to the drag races, but with Braison having over sensitive sensory issues, we bagged that idea (even though they both said that they wanted to go).  Instead, we met my dad and step-mom in Emmett for the Cherry Festival parade and carnival.  I only got a photo of grandpa, Braison, grandma, and Lilian waiting for the parade:

The kids really enjoyed it and walked away with a ton of candy!  We then went and perused the carnival and vendors.  The kids and Ron enjoyed Pronto Pup corn dogs and I an elephant ear.  It was a nice evening, even though we got home late and the kids were cranky :o)

Then, on Sunday we got up and got to all of our chores that needed to be done around the house.  We got the laundry done, house cleaned, camper cleaned, and the car cleaned.  It was a productive morning.  Then, we headed off to the circus.  We met up there with Ron's sister, Jen.  The kids really enjoyed themselves.  They wanted to ride the elephant, get a photo with the python, and go down the big slide, but I squashed all of those hopes.  Not because I don't want them to do the things that they want to, but because all of these things were outrageously expensive and I knew (I just knew) that once they got up the ladder to the top of that elephant, once they laid that python on their necks, and once they realized how high up that slide really was....they would change their minds.  So, I promised them that next year they could do all of those things, if they still wanted too.  Here is a photo from the circus, celebrating Father's Day:

After the circus we went out to dinner with Aunt Jen and she gave the kids each a little gift (Braison a Mickey Mouse shirt and Lilian a new dress).  She sure does spoil them, and they sure do love it!

All in all we had a wonderful, eventful, fun-filled weekend....but, I was okay to go back to work today, as I really needed a break! :o)

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