Monday, September 20, 2010

Long Time, No Post

I know, I know, it has been FOREVER since I posted.  Things have just been kind of crazy around these parts.  But, if you ask me what specifically has been crazy about it, I really couldn't tell you.  It seems like we have just been going, going, going lately. 

A few weeks ago we went to the Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic.  We went to the nighttime glow down at Ann Morrision Park.  They had food vendors.  Like two of them.  Okay, it was more than two food vendors, but not by many more!  We waited in line for an hour and a half for our food! It was madness!  The kids really enjoyed it though.  They had live music going on before dusk, when they lit up all the balloons.  Then, there was a visit from the Mickey Mouse balloon, from Disneyland.  Talk about Braison and Lilian being in their own little heaven!!  Unfortunately, we didn't get a photo of this because we were in line for food.  Grandma took them over to see the Mickey balloon though.

I don't know who is more excited, Braison or Grandma!!

Lilian really enjoyed the balloons, but was also very excited about the candy that was brought by Mickey Mouse!

The kids went camping with their Grandpa and Grandma a couple of weeks ago.  They left on a Friday morning and came home on Sunday night.  They went to a campground near Baker City, Oregon.  The kids had a BLAST and that is putting it very mildly. 

They got to take their Cruiser, what a treat!!

Of course, there was lots of rock throwing.  And, their very favorite part of the trip...

Braison explained to us over and over again what all was involved in making a s'more, it was adorable.  Lilian had a hard time staying in bed, as in, she fell out of bed at least once each night.  She is always a wild sleeper, sometimes I go into her room and she will be on the floor under her bed.  Silly girl.  Anyway, camping was a huge hit and I am so glad that they got to go.  It also happened to be their first trip away from home without Mommy or Daddy.  Sad day, our babies are growing up.

And, since Grandpa is funner than a Barrel Full of Monkeys...the kids also had their first experience fishing.  Kind of odd, I never remember fishing much with my dad, but the few times that we did go, turned out to be much more than just fishing trips and stick out in my mind.  Like the time that we went up to our cabin to go fishing because my mom was having a baby shower at our house and wanted us out of her hair.  We caught a few fish, which I named, and were getting ready to head home when my dad realized that there was a hole in the gas tank of our little Fiat.  So, he had to fix it, with a 2x4 and a couple of nails.  I have absolutely no idea how he made this work.  I just remember sitting in the passenger seat while he jacked up one side of the car and got under there to fix it.  We made it home fine.  I remember running into a house full of old ladies (I think they were like the same age as I am now, but they seemed so OLD then) with my fish on a string, so excited to introduce my mom to my new "friends." Dinner. Whatever.

Anyway, Ron and I aren't really into fishing, but ever since the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode where Donald Duck goes fishing, the kids have been very anxious to try it out.  Lucky for them, Grandpa has a large pond and a little boat right in his yard!
Lilian getting lessons.

Lilian and Grandpa

Braison getting lessons

Braison and Grandpa

Neither one of them caught anything, unfortunately, but they still had a great time!  And, what wonderful memories to start making with Grandpa.

At the end of July, my Grandma DeLorus (my dad's mom) came to visit.  She also had my Aunt Sherill and my cousin's daughter, Timber, with her.  They were visiting from Colorado and came over to Boise, from Blackfoot, for a couple of days to visit the family here.
This was the best we could do with three toddlers who wanted nothing to do with a photo shoot!

It was great to see them and we are so glad that they were able to come and visit us!

And, here are just a couple of fun photos:

Braison with "Sport" which he made at Build-A-Bear

And, Lilian with "Pinky" which she made at Build-A-Bear

They had a blast building their own stuffed animals.  I tried to get them to pick a bear, but they were much more interested in baseballs and flamingos, oh well.  As long as they are happy, that is all that really matters.

I am sure there are other things that I should have blogged about, but it is late and I am tired.  

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