Thursday, December 30, 2010

December Update

** Just a fair warning that this post might be a photo overload **

I am behind, as usual.  I had gotten really good at updating the blog regulary, then the Christmas season decended upon us and I lost track of all time.  We have been busy around here.
We got dressed up to take photos for our Christmas cards.

We made cookies and other goodies.  Mostly we made messes and licked lots of beaters.

Lilian got her first bloody nose.  During a rousing wrestling match with her brother and daddy, she accidently got a knee to the face.

We decorated the house and wrapped lots of gifts.

Lilian got new glasses, finally!

Braison pouted, as usual :o)

We jumped around in a stocking.

The kids decorated gingerbread houses, all by themselves!!

New Christmas pajamas, of course.

We opened lots of exciting gifts!
 Braison picked out these two shirts to give to Lilian, all by himself.  She loved them!
 And, Lilian picked out these "shooters" for Braison.  He was thrilled!
 Santa came and left Braison a Thomas the Train set and Lilian a doll house.
Here we are, too early on Christmas morning :o)
Then, we invited the family over for brunch:
Braison giving Nana loves.

 Grandma & Grandad opening gifs, Braison & Uncle Tyler watching.
 Grandma Barbara opening her gift, she was happy, even though this photo doesn't portray that :o)
 Papa with his new BSU shirt.
 The kids with Aunt Jen and Josh, Braison did NOT want to be anywhere near Josh (he later gave him a hug goodbye).
 The kids with their Uncle Tyler.

Christmas evening we went to my dad's for dinner and another gift exchange.  We had a wonderful time, the kids got their own "computer" and all kinds of fishing equipment from their Grandpa and Grandma Sue.  My dad took photos of the evening, but I don't have them yet.

Then, the day after Christmas we went to my mom's to celebrate with her, John, BJ, Krista, Chloee, and Peyton.  We had a wonderful prime rib dinner and lots of fun spending time with each other.  And, my mom took photos of this evening, but I don't have those yet either.

Then, we celebrated Ron & my mom's birthdays.  Ron turned 32 on December 29th and my mom will turn 51 on January 1st.  We first went to dinner at the Sand Bar in Marsing...
 Then we enjoyed cake at my mom's house.
I couldn't get the photo of Ron to rotate, so maybe I will add it later.

So, there is our December in a nutshell!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7th

Today is the 69th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941. Please take a moment to pay reverence.

On a side note, in addition to remembering Peal Harbor on this day, we also remember this day for another reason in our house.  Three years ago today we got one of the best phone calls we will ever recieve; the nurse that was on the other end of the line let us know that we could take our babies home from the NICU that evening. 21 days old and finally going home!

Christmas Cookies

We had some fun making Christmas cookies on Sunday:

And, our finished products:

We had so much fun and the kids were so proud of the final outcome!  We delivered some to Grandma Barbara and some to Grandma and Grandad.  It was a wonderful way to spend the cold day, inside :o)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Snow Day

We got a foot or so of snow last night and when the kids got up this morning they were extatic!! They were so excited, in fact, that they wanted to go out and play even before having breakfast.  So, while I shoveled the drive (again) they played in the back yard.  

They were not pleased to have to come inside for breakfast, but I fixed that by promising hot chocolate to go with it :o)

What a wonderful day of snow angels, snow balls, sledding, and shoveling!  Now, it can go away anytime! :o)
