Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa!

It is so hard to believe that is has already been a whole year since we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday.  When I told Ron that we were going to a BBQ for my dad's birthday, he said, "Already?! It can't be his birthday AGAIN!"  I guess time does fly when you are having fun (or getting older in a hurry!) :o)
My dad and Sue had a BBQ at their house this weekend to mark the big day.  It was great weather (not great enough to eat outside, but at least nice enough to cook outside), and my dad made a wonderful steak/rib dinner for everyone.  Some of his friends came out to celebrate as well.  The kids decided that grandpa should have a hammer cake (anyone who knows my dad can understand why). 
Sad, I didn't even think about it until after we left, that we didn't get a photo of the kids with him.  I will have to remember to get one next time we are all together.  We are so fortunate to have such an awesome dad/grandpa who we love so very much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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