Thursday, August 25, 2011

Big Kids Now

So, Braison and Lilian have been potty trained for a long time now, but they were still having accidents during the night.  This was happening at least 2 times a week, each.  How do you remedy that?  Bribery.  I let them each pick out new bed sets (sheets, comforter, pillows) and then put them (unopened) in the living room for the kids to look at every day.  I also made two jars for each of them; one jar containing twenty sticks and the other empty, but decorated with new bedroom set paraphernalia.  Each morning that they stayed dry through the night they got to move one stick over, when an accident occurred they had to move all of their sticks back.  We had a couple of really trying mornings, like the one where Lilian only had five sticks to go, but she sadly had to start all over again.  Luckily, that only happened once and they are proud to show off their new comforters and such to everyone!

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