Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Discovery Center

Ron had to work today, so the kids and I went to the science center that we have here in town.  Braison and Lilian are obsessed with Sid the Science Kid, so they were very anxious to explore a real science center like Sid does.  We had a lot of fun!

She pulled herself up almost to the top...about 9 feet up!

Making things go "boom"

The big bubble of the favorite things!
They are already talking about when they get to go back again.  A hit for sure!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

We had a pretty low key Valentine's Day, just the way we like it.

We started out with heart shaped donuts.
For preschool we made Valentine's for all of the kids' friends.  These are the ones that Braison took:
Those are crayons that me melted into hearts
   These are what Lilian took:
These are friendship bracelets.
We also made cupcakes for everyone.
And, I was spoiled by Ron and the kids with a wonderful new necklace!
We had a nice quiet dinner at home and then went out for ice cream afterwards.  We had taken the kids to Build-A-Bear last weekend, I will post photos tomorrow for the wordless Wednesday :o)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Silver City...Almost

We set out to head up to Silver City today, but had to turn back about 5 miles out due to bad roads.  So, we took a detour a little further down the mountain.
Ron and Sky climbing rocks

Poor muddy car on top of the mountain

Beautiful views 
Maybe next time we will make it all the way!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012