Friday, July 20, 2012

Catch Up!

I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted!  Sorry to my loyal followers (all 3 of you).  I will try to get back on track soon.  In the meantime, here is a photo update of what we have been up to in the last month....

We bought a new house on June 29th, which is where most of our time has been consumed.  Painting, cleaning, painting, cleaning, weeding, weeding, weeding, and all of the stuff that comes with moving.  The gentleman who owned the house had been sick for about a year, so not much of anything got done during that time, then it sat empty for 6 months after he passed away while things were settled with his estate.  We love the house, the land, the location, and are looking forward to being completely settled in soon.
 As a result, we spend a lot of time at the hardware store.
The kids had a week of Vacation Bible School where the theme was "Blastoff."  They had so much fun and the program at the end was priceless.  Lilian won a special award because of her awesome bible verse memory skills.  She was really proud.

We participated in Middleton's 4th of July parade, which was a lot of fun.  Ron and Braison rode in the side-by-side on the trailer (Ron's mom was driving the truck pulling the trailer), Lilian and I rode on a four-wheeler (as did Sidney and Pat).  The kids loved being able to throw candy to the people watching and Lilian perfected her "parade wave" which was quite a feat :o)
   Then we had a bbq and fireworks at my dad's house.
Braison broke his first board!  He broke it with his hand, but said he would try with his head next time.  He is so proud!
Lilian beat out hundreds (ok, I don't really know how many for sure, but I like to think it was hundreds) of other girls and won a bike with her mad coloring skills.  He exact words when we went to pick it up, "I can't believe I actually won this bicycle!"
Hopefully I won't wait another month to post....until next time.

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