Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Funnies

Nana: My feet are old and tired.  I need new ones.
Lilian: Just go to mommy at her work, she will get you some!
Braison: But, they won't be real ones!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Not very often we can get them all together...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Labor Day Weekend Recap

On Friday before the long weekend, we made our way up to Pullman, Washington for my little brother, Tyler's wedding.  It was a nice, beautiful drive.  Braison rode with my dad, so we just had to entertain Lilian.  About Caldwell, I asked Ron, "Why did Braison go with my dad instead of Lilian?!"  She talked the ENTIRE time....barely breaking enough for breaths! I guess she did take about an hour break to play on her LeapPad.
Even though she has a lot to say, she is a great traveler :o)
Friday night was the rehearsal dinner.  Braison and Lilian were asked to be the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl, so they were presented with thank you gifts.
Braison got an engraved harmonica, which he LOVES and Charley apologized for 

Lilian got an engraved jewelry box with earrings and a necklace to wear at the wedding

Braison, Aunt Charley, Uncle Tyler, and Lilian
The kids love it when we "live" in a hotel.

The phone provided endless entertainment (one would go to someone else's room and they would call each other)
Saturday was the big day.
Ready to go!

Lilian kept the crowd entertained.

Braison did so wonderful!
Congratulations to the wonderful new couple.  I am so happy to have such an awesome new sister-in-law and it is great to see my brother so happy and in love.

On Sunday, we decided to take a side trip up to Coeur D'Alene for the night.  Ron had never been that far north and my grandparents wanted to go up as well, so up we went.

We went on a sunset dinner cruise around the lake, it was wonderful!  Thanks grandma and grandad for babysitting on the boat :o)  It was a great side trip.
Monday we made the long journey home.  It was uneventful and there was no fighting (hallelujah!)
A bridge I liked on the way home
Can't wait until our next adventure!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


The kids started pre-kindergarten this year.  They are so excited!  Braison is in the morning class with Miss Mikeala and Lilian is in the afternoon class with Miss Jan.

Lilian waiting for class to start

Braison waiting for class to start
They brought home homework on the first day...the kids couldn't be happier.  I think this is going to be a great year and very helpful for preparing them for the real thing next year!