Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's Christmas Time

We have had a busy, but fun Christmas.  It is a lot of work to get everything in that we want to, but in the end it is all worth it.  We went to see Santa on Sunday, the 23rd...after waiting in line for 2 hours, Lilian was tongue tied and couldn't decide what to ask him for!

That evening we had a wonderful meal and company at my mom's house.  My mother, John, BJ, Krista, Chloee, Payton, and the four of us enjoyed the night together.  I only got one photo, of the kids.
Christmas Eve we went to Ron's mother's for dinner and presents.  It was a great dinner and we were spoiled rotten!  The kid's got a new trampoline that they can hardly wait to be set up at home!
Kids with their Aunt Jen
Kids with their Aunt Sydney

After dinner, we went to my dad's for dessert and another gift exchange.  I didn't get any photos there, but I will post the ones my dad took when he sends them.
Christmas Day was quiet and nice.  The kids made the nice list and Santa brought a new bike for Braison and a new vanity for Lilian.
We took a couple photos to mark the holiday.

Grandma and Grandad stopped by for a minute to spoil us some more.
Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas special.  We are so lucky to have so much family close and be able to spend time with the ones that we love.  We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

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