Sunday, April 28, 2013

Which Came First...

The chicken or the egg?

In our case, it was the chicken.  Today we built a chicken coop to house the newest members of our backyard....

If you put on your spectacles, you can see the six chicks huddled in the bottom right corner. This breed of chicken is especially good for laying eggs (perfect) and eating (perfect).  The plan is to let them lay eggs for a year (maybe two because they are so young right now) then take these ones to the fryer and get another batch to start the cycle over again.  The kids know this and understand the plan.  They are excited for fresh eggs and chicken when the time comes.  They have given the chicks the following names; Orange Blossom, Prancer, Marker Girl, Dancer, Chick-a-Dee, and Crispy.

Don't worry, this little one survived the photo shoot.  Barely.
Both kids are excited about the responsibility of collecting eggs and giving the chickens fresh water and food.  We'll see how long that lasts!

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