Friday, May 24, 2013

Class of 2026

Is that right?  It hardly seems possible that Braison and Lilian will be starting kindergarten this year.  Or that they graduated from pre-kindergarten today.  Bittersweet.
Since they are in different classes, they were also in different graduations.  Lilian graduated this morning.
The whole class

Patiently waiting

Starting the program

She had a hard time keeping her hat on with all that jumping around!

Dino Dig Day

Wedding of "Q" & "U"

Lilian was the only lefty

Dancing fool

The only mom that didn't get a hug with her flower :o(

With her teachers, Miss Jan and Miss Kristi

Proud of our little girl!
Lilian did so well this year, her teachers said that she will have no problems next year in kindergarten.  Her social skills are unmatched, imagine that :o)  We are so very proud of her!

Braison's graduation was held a little later in the day.
With his class


Being a monster

Being a ham

Alphabet song

I got a hug :o)

Applauding other graduates
With his teachers, Miss Kim and Miss Mikaila

Braison is reading at an advanced level, he is advanced in math, and everything else.  So, no worries that he won't be ready for kindergarten.  We are so proud of our little man!

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