Friday, August 30, 2013


Growing up, there are certain rituals or traditions that always stick with you.  One of these, for me, was going to see hot air balloons rise above the valley in the wee hours of the morning every summer with my dad.  When I was younger, it was called the Boise River Festival (it wasn't just the balloons, it was also a fair, parade on the river, and one of the best fireworks shows in the country).  Well, gone are the days of ALL the fun stuff, but they did bring back the hot air balloons and renamed it, Spirit of Boise Balloon Festival.

This morning, my dad continued the tradition with Braison and Lilian.  Waking up at the crack of dawn, always with the promise that we could go back to bed later, heading out to the park with the lawn chairs to watch the magic.

You get to watch the whole process from the park; unloading the balloons, laying them out just right, attaching the basket, blowing them up, and finally taking off.

I am so glad the kids are able to enjoy this, I bet Grandpa is pretty glad he gets to enjoy it with them too.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pointless Tuesday

Randomness from Braison and Lilian's world...

Lilian made the Christian Flag

Braison made a whale

So much fun at the eye doctor

And so much fun after

She loves the new sunglasses

Fun in the hot tub with a little dry ice

Crazy kids

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kindergarten. WHAT?!

Today marked a huge milestone.  The first day of Kindergarten.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Kindergarten.
Getting ready to leave the house
They were so very excited.  And, in kindergarten, you sign yourself in (none of this, make the parents do all the work nonsense).

I was so proud that both Braison and Lilian knew their last name and how to spell it...they may have been the only ones.

They are in the same class, but sit across the room from each other.  We'll see how this goes.
It is so hard to believe that our babies are growing up so fast.  Braison is even done giving good-bye kisses when his friends are around. Don't worry, I only cried for about an hour after dropping them off.  Well, and right now, typing this and thinking about it.
I believe it was Robert Fulghum who famously said, "Everything I need to know, I learned in kindergarten." So, here's to a year of Braison and Lilian learning everything they need to know!

What's more adorable...

..than a toothless grin??
Lilian has had two loose teeth FOREVER for a couple of weeks. Her permanent teeth were starting to come in behind these loose teeth.  So, we tried everything to get the baby ones out of there. After a lot of this, with no success...

We wound up here...
She was actually just in for her regular cleaning appointment, but when the dentist saw how loose those teeth were, he did for us in two seconds that we have been trying to do for weeks!
Lilian...the toothless wonder :o)
The tooth fairy came last night and left her a letter and two dollar coins.  Of course, Lilian is convinced that those gold coins are worth at least $10 each...I mean there is no way that these shiny things are only worth a dollar!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dog Days of Summer

Today marked the last day of summer vacation.  We celebrated by hanging out with Grandpa.  First we went to lunch at Messengers, then we decided to go to the Warhawk Museum.   What kind of museum is closed on Mondays??  Apparently, that one.  So, instead we wound up at Jabbers.
Playing a little Foosball 

Braison put on a puppet show

Building a hotel
Thanks for hanging out with us Grandpa, we sure do love you!

On another, completely unrelated note, our chickens are now laying "regular" sized eggs!  After a few half sized ones, we are happy to say that we can now have eggs for breakfast!
Braison checked the nesting box at least 10 times today, all of their hard work is finally paying off!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

Big Girls Don't Cry

Especially when showing off.  Lilian was excited to show off her new bed.

And, she still didn't cry even when she fell out during her first night in it.  Such a grown up, happy girl.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Growing Babes...

Modeling some of their new school clothes...can't believe our babies will be starting kindergarten in just two weeks...