Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Kindergarten. WHAT?!

Today marked a huge milestone.  The first day of Kindergarten.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Kindergarten.
Getting ready to leave the house
They were so very excited.  And, in kindergarten, you sign yourself in (none of this, make the parents do all the work nonsense).

I was so proud that both Braison and Lilian knew their last name and how to spell it...they may have been the only ones.

They are in the same class, but sit across the room from each other.  We'll see how this goes.
It is so hard to believe that our babies are growing up so fast.  Braison is even done giving good-bye kisses when his friends are around. Don't worry, I only cried for about an hour after dropping them off.  Well, and right now, typing this and thinking about it.
I believe it was Robert Fulghum who famously said, "Everything I need to know, I learned in kindergarten." So, here's to a year of Braison and Lilian learning everything they need to know!

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