Monday, October 7, 2013

Over the river...

We took a trip to Twin Falls today to meet up with Grandma Delorus.  We spent the day at Aunt June's house.   It was so good to see grandma, Aunt June, and Brynlee.  We got out to enjoy the beautiful weather at the park after lunch.

Even after her recent fall and subsequent trip to the emergency room, Lilian is not deterred and continues to master monkey bars of all kinds.

Lilian, Grandpa, Braison

Braison, Great-Grandma Delorus, Lilian

Grandpa, Great-Grandma Delorus
Lilian, Braison
 On our way out of town, as we hit the bridge that crosses the Snake River Canyon (Perrine Bridge) we noticed a few BASE jumpers hanging over the edge.  So, we pulled over quick and watched the last three jump.  We all decided that it was something we must do someday.  Great way to end our day trip!

Sitting on the rail of the outlook with the Snake River Canyon in the back ground
Thanks Grandpa for chauffeuring us :o)

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