Saturday, November 16, 2013

Birthday Girl

From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!
20 Questions for Lilian on her 6th birthday:
 - What is your favorite color? Pink
 - What is your favorite toy?  I think my new karaoke machine
 - What is your favorite fruit?  Oranges 
 - What is your favorite TV show?  Scooby Do
 - What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Turkey Sandwich
 - What is your favorite outfit?  Teal Dress
 - What is your favorite game?  Hungry Hungry Hippos
 - What is your favorite snack?  Peanut butter crackers
 - What is your favorite animal?  Puppies, not dogs, but puppies 
 - What is your favorite song?  Mammas Broken Heart by Carrie Underwood
 - What is your favorite book?  Peek-a-Boo
 - Who is your best friend?  Braison
 - What is your favorite cereal?  Cheerios
 - What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play on the monkey bars, when I don't fall off of them
 - What is your favorite drink?  Mommies smoothies
 - What is your favorite holiday?  Halloween
 - What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Lovey
 - What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Blueberry waffles
 - What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Lasagna
 - What do you want to be when you grow up?  A tap dancer

You are such a little ham!  You are so comfortable in any situation, it amazes everyone.  During the school day, you are a sweet, calm, responsive, happy girl; once you get home, your wild side comes out!  You are a crazy, fun, hyper, chatty, and hilarious.  You already have such a knack for telling jokes, you can make anyone laugh with your crazy jokes.  You are very smart, but prefer to be creative.  You are an observer of situations and don't like it when people are sad.  Dancing at any time is perfectly acceptable in your eyes.  You are quick to anger and quicker to forget that anger.  Watching you explore and enjoy the world around you, is the the most wonderful thing ever.  You make people want to slow down and smell the roses.  Cupcake, you are loved infinity times around the world.

Happy Birthday!

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