Friday, February 21, 2014

How Do You Make a Kleenex Dance?

You put a little boogie in it!

This is Braison's favorite joke to tell.  He laughs hysterically every time he tells it too.  Typical 6 year old joke.

Typical 6 year old spelling words; bay, it, and, dust, pool, mow, cook.  Braison handed me his schoolwork the other day and I noticed something written on the back.  Normally, this is a picture that he has drawn of himself and his teacher, Mrs. Deming, with "I love you Mrs. Deming" written along the bottom.  Anyway, this was not the case this time.  This is what I found:

When I asked him what they were, he stated that after he finished his work, he just wanted to write some words for extra credit.  Little smarty pants.

Ron said it best; What a stud!!

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