Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Roller Rink Fun!!

Within an hour, the kids were skating away from the wall and in the "fast lane"

They both even tried to win the prize by playing Limbo!  They have been asking every day since if we can go back to skate some more!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored Lilian in her school's walk-a-thon!  She had a blast running the track in the rain.  Wearing her galoshes.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Other than a dimple in a cute little chin...

what's more adorable than a toothless grin??

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another One Down

Did you know that the average amount the tooth fairy leaves is quickly soaring and closing in on $5 a tooth?  Yes, $5!  This tooth fairy might have to start delivering pizzas at night before checking for teeth under pillows!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Field Trip

We stopped by to check out the fish hatchery right by our house.  I asked Braison how many rainbow trout he thought were in the runs, his guess: 12,572,459.  He's probably correct.  There are rainbow trout on top of rainbow trout on top of rainbow trout in there!

Unfortunately, there isn't any posted educational  information, so we just admired the fish.  The kids thought it was cool when they jumped.  They didn't think it was cool when they jumped too high and wound up on the wrong side of the concrete barrier.  Luckily, we only saw 4 fish out of water this time.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Braison started his new school today.  Mom was more apprehensive than he was.  Things went great!  He likes his teacher, and told me he made 5 new friends!  They are only identified, right now, by the color of shirt that they were wearing..he'll get it soon.

Super excited!

Waiting in line to go in

Friday, April 4, 2014


It feels like we have been so busy!

We have news to share.  We found out a couple of weeks ago that Braison was accepted into a charter school.  As some of you already know, we've put the kids on the lottery list for all of the charter schools in the area for the last couple of years.  Last year, Braison's name was drawn to have the 7th seat, should it open up; of course, it didn't.  So, both Lilian and Braison have been attending a private school for kindergarten this year, just hoping to get drawn next year to attend one of the charter schools.

When the call came in, we were very excited!  Of course, I didn't realize at that moment that Braison would have to start following spring break this year.  So, we had a decision to make.  We chose to pull him from the school he is in and put him in the charter school for the last month and a half of the year.  Silly, right?  I would think so too, but by doing this, he is in for next year.  Lilian will also have a seat next year, because she has a sibling who is already a registered student.  Win!  Had we made the choice not to send him this year, we would have just had to wait for the lottery drawing and hope that both of them got in, or that one got in and the other would then be accepted in the 2nd grade.   Having two kids in two different schools, with two different schedules, for a whole year would have been a challenge.

Braison seems indifferent.  Lilian was sad at first (because Braison and her wouldn't be in the same class anymore), but has since realized that it is okay.

I can't believe that they are almost done with kindergarten already.