Friday, May 23, 2014

Time Marches On

Time seems to move at the speed of light.

Braison and Lilian graduated from kindergarten last night.  What a night!

They started off with a dance they start every day of school.

Notice Mr. Grumpy Pants :o)
Braison said that he was very nervous being up there in front of everyone.

They sang a sweet song about moms and presented a flower for each of us.

After a slideshow of the year in review, which brought on more tears, they got their diplomas.

After the diplomas, their AWESOME teacher presented them each with a gift from herself.

The kids loved them!

Lilian has had a little boyfriend most of the year, Cooper.  Cooper told his parents that yesterday was the worst day of his life; because he wasn't going to be able to see Lilian anymore.  So, he asked to stop and get her a bouquet of flowers.  Melted hearts.

Another milestone.  Next stop, 1st grade!

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