Monday, August 11, 2014


Today, Lilian started the 1st grade.  I can hardly believe it.

Lilian attends Legacy Charter School.
Her teacher is Mrs. Davis.
A note to our sweet miss:
We are so excited to see you learn and grow this year.
To learn who you really are.
As an individual.
Never forget, there is only one you!
Learn new things.
Make new friends.
Be independent.
Keep noticing all the wonderful things around you.
And, don't ever forget that there is always enough time to stop and smell the flowers, or pay someone a compliment.
We love you!


Today, Braison started the 1st grade.  He was just born last month, I swear.

Braison attends Victory Charter School.
His teacher is Mrs. Stockett.
A note to our baby boy:
You are so spirited!
We can't wait to see what this year brings for you.
You love to learn and explore, never stop that.
Get out there and become your own person.
Make a lot of friends.
Have a lot of fun.
It's ok to get into a little mischief sometimes.
Keep loving and laughing and smiling all of the time, especially now that you are our toothless wonder.
We love you! 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Dad's Love

Is unending. 

Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Time

It's that time again...summer!  Braison and Lilian started their two weeks of swim lessons.  They are much more comfortable this year than they have been previously.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Lilian had another wonderful dance performance.  She is in ballet and tap this year.  They had a dance for each, then a whole studio finale.

She did such a wonderful job!

So proud of our little dancing machine.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Time Marches On

Time seems to move at the speed of light.

Braison and Lilian graduated from kindergarten last night.  What a night!

They started off with a dance they start every day of school.

Notice Mr. Grumpy Pants :o)
Braison said that he was very nervous being up there in front of everyone.

They sang a sweet song about moms and presented a flower for each of us.

After a slideshow of the year in review, which brought on more tears, they got their diplomas.

After the diplomas, their AWESOME teacher presented them each with a gift from herself.

The kids loved them!

Lilian has had a little boyfriend most of the year, Cooper.  Cooper told his parents that yesterday was the worst day of his life; because he wasn't going to be able to see Lilian anymore.  So, he asked to stop and get her a bouquet of flowers.  Melted hearts.

Another milestone.  Next stop, 1st grade!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Spirit Week

Lilian had spirit week at school this week...

   Pajama Day                Sport Day               Inside Out Day
We have been running around like crazy people.  Getting ready for kindergarten graduation and Lilian's end of season dance recital.  Photos to come soon!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

Roller Rink Fun!!

Within an hour, the kids were skating away from the wall and in the "fast lane"

They both even tried to win the prize by playing Limbo!  They have been asking every day since if we can go back to skate some more!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored Lilian in her school's walk-a-thon!  She had a blast running the track in the rain.  Wearing her galoshes.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Other than a dimple in a cute little chin...

what's more adorable than a toothless grin??

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Another One Down

Did you know that the average amount the tooth fairy leaves is quickly soaring and closing in on $5 a tooth?  Yes, $5!  This tooth fairy might have to start delivering pizzas at night before checking for teeth under pillows!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014