Monday, October 18, 2010

Sicklies and Shopping

So, first I was sick for two weeks, then the kids got it too and are just now starting to get over it.  Luckily, Ron missed out on it!  Here are the kids one morning, watching cartoons while I got ready for work.
They had both been up coughing pretty much all night, poor babies.  Glad they are on the upward swing of this nasty bug though.

The kids normally really enjoy going shopping with me, but last weeks shopping trip was not as exciting as normal, according to Lilian...
Braison, on the other hand, was his normal happy-to-be-shopping self!
And, we are working on the kids' costumes right now.  They have decided to go as Mickey and Minnie Mouse.  I am approximately halfway done with both costumes, photos to come soon.

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