Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison - Grandad, want to see my new Toy Story toys?
Grandad - Sure, where are they?
Braison - They are displayed on my armoire in my bedroom.
Grandad - What did you say?  I didn't even know what an armoire was until I was fifty!


Mommy - Lilian, you need to get in the shower.
Lilian - (running around naked) NOOOOO!!! I am just going to have to run away from this place!


Braison - Can I call Gandma and tell her about inertia?
Mommy - What do you want to tell her about it?
Braison - That she needs to wear her seat belt to keep her safe.  When grandmas were little they didn't have seat belts. Do you know that mommy?
Mommy - You are so smart Braison!
Braison - I know.


Lilian - (sitting at the table, eating lunch)What's that smell?
Braison - I don't know.
Lilian - Did you toot Braison?
Braison - No.
Lilian - Did I toot? I didn't hear anything.

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