Thursday, January 20, 2011


When I was twelve years old, my grandparents got Tyler and I a surprise.  We were so excited to find out what it was, when the lady showed up to the house with a box, it was all we could do to wait for her to get in the house to find out what was in it.  And, what was in this mystery box?  A rat. Or so I though.

Turns out, this was no rat, but our new PUPPY!!  We were so excited!  So, after meeting him that first day, we began the difficult task of picking out a name.  We had a list of names that we all liked and from that list we narrowed it down to just a few names.  Then, we put those names on slips of paper to draw out of a hat.  And so we had, Toto.

We had the welcome home of all welcome home parties (as far as puppies are concerned) for Toto when he was big enough to leave his momma.

Over the years, we had lots of fun with Toto, he even got his own birthday parties and cakes :o)

As Tyler and I grew older, we spent less and less time at our grandparents house and in turn, with Toto.  We loved him dearly, but with him living at Grandma and Grandad's and us living at home, he became more their dog than ours.  Even though, until the very end, all either one of us had to do was walk through the door of their house, start talking, and Toto would come running.  He never forgot us, just as we will never forget him.  Toto was indeed one of the most lovable, adorable, and affection dogs there ever was.  He became like a child to my Grandma and Grandad, they very rarely went anywhere without him and he was sure spoiled rotten :o)

 Toto with his new friend
14th birthday

Toto left this Earth today, just a month shy of his 15th birthday, in San Luis Obispo, California (probably, like Grandma and Grandad, his most favorite place to be).  He is now in a place where he can lay in the sunshine all day long and eat nothing but chicken bones for every meal, he is free of pain and can run and play once again.

Fond memories of our beloved Toto will always warm our hearts.

February 22, 1996 - January 20, 2011

Dogs come into our lives, leave pawprints on our hearts, and we are forever changed.

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