Sunday, May 29, 2011


I enjoyed making a cake for a friend friend of mine.  It was her little girl's second birthday.  Just thought I would share :o)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Funnies

Mommy - Do you guys want to take ballet or gymnastics classes?
Lilian - I want to do both!
Mommy - Well, I don't think that will work, but we will see.  Braison, what about you?
Braison - I don't want to do either of those.
Mommy - Ok, what about t-ball?
Braison - No, I don't want to do that.
Mommy - Well then, what kind of class would you like to take?
Braison - Just one where I can learn to be a real Buzz LightYear.


Braison - That is funny!
Lilian - I know! I can't even stop laughing right now!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday G'ma B!

My great-grandmother, Barbara, turned 91 today and so we went to help her celebrate.  We first went out to dinner and then back to her house for cupcakes and ice cream.

5 Generations
We love you Grandma Barbara! Happy Birthday!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tyler's Graduation/Commissioning

Saturday was Tyler's big day.  He graduated from the University of Idaho, on the Dean's List, and was also commissioned as an officer in the United States Air Force.

 We are all SO proud of him!!  Saturday morning was the graduation ceremony.  They had predicted cold weather, rain, and possible tornadoes.  Good thing those weathermen don't usually know what they are talking about.  The weather was beautiful!
All 1500 graduates heading down the road.

Here come the ROTC cadets behind the Dean.

There's Tyler!

The color guard bringing in the flags.

Waiting for Uncle Tyler's name to be called.

And waiting some more.

Walking up toward the stage.

"Tyler Vern Merritt"

This is his photo from the overhead screens.
Tyler in front of the Engineering Building on the UofI campus.

The graduate and some of his favorite little people.
Saturday evening was the commissioning ceremony, which was held in Pullman, Washington at the WSU campus.  Tyler had asked Braison and Lilian to pin his rank on his cover (hat) during the ceremony.  They were thrilled to be involved and they will later realize what an honor it was to be a part of this.  Thank you Tyler for including them!

Grandad (USAF Capt. Retired) swearing in Tyler.


So Proud!

Dad and Mom pinning ranks on shoulders/Braison and Lilian pinning rank on cover.

Tyler pinning the parent pin on Mom.

Receiving his first salute.

Tyler and his girlfriend, Charley (she will graduate and be commissioned in two more years).

Our Officer - 2nd Lt. Tyler Merritt

Waiting for more photos.

Tyler, Sue, Dad

John, Tyler, Mom

Grandma, Tyler, Grandad

The whole lot of us.

Our two servicemen. 
Tyler was also accepted into flight school, another HUGE honor.  So, now he is off for the next year to Laughlin, TX to work on earning his wings.   

A note for Tyler:

I know I speak for more than just myself when I say how proud I am of you and how much I love you.  You have accomplished so much these last five grueling years!  It took guts; you got those.  It took brains; we all know you have an abundance of those!  It also took a lot of hard work, discipline, courage, dedication, perseverance, concentration, and determination; you have proven to have all of these things as well. 
My heart is bursting with pride and joy for all that you have accomplished, will accomplish, and the man you have become.  You are proof that dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them.  I am confident that you will continue to excel and reach any goal that you set for yourself.  Remember, excellence is not a skill, but rather an attitude.
Thank you for being you.  Thank you for the sacrifice you have made to keep us safe and free.  I could not have asked for a greater baby brother or uncle for my children.  You are the epitome of what a solider should be.
Good luck.  Stay safe.

It isn't over, in fact it's all just now beginning.

The Rest of the Weekend Story

Of course, our main focus was on Tyler's graduation, but here is the rest of the story.

It was a long drive up to Moscow.
We happen to spot this beautiful waterfall right off the highway

Lilian was NOT pleased to be woken up from her nap

Braison was able to make himself comfortable
The kids longed for someone to take them swimming

Playing with Uncle Tyler and Charley's motorcycle helmets
 We ate ice cream.
We did a lot of waiting around, playing, and taking photos.
Waiting after the commissioning ceremony
Maybe another future soldier??

The proud grandparents
And, finally, Uncle Tyler and Grandma took the kids swimming.

What a great weekend with the family!!