Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well, it is finally nice enough to get out and enjoy things.  There was a carnival in the mall parking lot this weekend, so we made plans to meet some friends.  Braison had spent the night at the Durrant's house last night, so we decided to meet for breakfast first, then head over to the carnival.  Well, since they didn't open anything up until noon, us girls went and got pedicures to pass the time.  This was Mikaela's first spa experience, and I think she enjoyed it.

The boys were getting restless, so it was a good thing we could head right over to the fun stuff!
Isaac and Braison with Bruce and Ron in the background

"I am flying a jit! Just like Uncle Tyler!"

I got a smile out of Joseph!

Isaac and Braison in the house of mirrors

Mikaela and Braison in the fun house

Getting ready to ride the roller coaster for the first time.

He LOVED it! 

Mikaela loved it too....Isaac, not so much.
Then, we decided to go on the big ship (Ron and I) and Mikaela wanted to go as well.  At the last minute, Braison decided that he also wanted to go.

Braison's quote: "It makes my tummy feel funny and I like it!"
So, I think I might finally have someone who wants to go on all of the rides with me!  After the ship it took Ron about 5 hours to recover (so, I guarantee I won't get him on any rides ever again).  But, Braison kept asking if we could go on the Zipper.  It will be a great time....when he is a little taller.

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