Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Living Dead

It has been an interesting week for the Buseman family.  It started Friday.  The kids were both STILL sick with some kind of cold, so we decided that it was time for them to go to the doctor.  Well, they both had pneumonia and sinus infections.  Plus, Braison had a double ear infection (again).  So, they put Lilian on an antibiotic to clear her up and Braison on a much stronger antibiotic to clear him up (the last one didn't clear up the ears).  Then, Ron hurt his back to a point that he could barley walk.
So, Saturday rolls around and everyone is sick and it is like the living dead in our house.  This continues through Sunday and into Monday.  By Tuesday Lilian was better, but Ron and Braison were not fairing so well.  Braison had been complaining of lower abdominal pain for about a day and Ron had to see someone about his back, so I made them an appointment to go see the doctor that afternoon.
Turns out Ron pulled a muscle in his back bad enough that they have him some Norco and ordered him to rest for at least a week.  Braison's exam turned up an enlarged liver.  Fantastic.  Unfortunately, we couldn't get him in for an ultrasound that afternoon because he had to have an empty stomach.
So, this morning we took him in for the ultrasound.  He was apprehensive at first, but warmed right up once the tech found the caterpillar, that Braison had eaten earlier in the week, in his stomach (aka his gallbladder).  He even got to take home a photo of said caterpillar to show off to everyone :o)  Thank you ultrasound tech for making a three year old's day!
The results from the ultrasound came back ok.  His liver is larger than it should be, but nothing to cause concern yet.  So, we took him off of the stronger antibiotic, just in case that is what was causing it.  He hasn't complained of his stomach bothering him, so hopefully we are out of the woods on that one.
We hope to all have a clean bill of health soon!  Some of us are going crazy!

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