Thursday, August 25, 2011

Big Kids Now

So, Braison and Lilian have been potty trained for a long time now, but they were still having accidents during the night.  This was happening at least 2 times a week, each.  How do you remedy that?  Bribery.  I let them each pick out new bed sets (sheets, comforter, pillows) and then put them (unopened) in the living room for the kids to look at every day.  I also made two jars for each of them; one jar containing twenty sticks and the other empty, but decorated with new bedroom set paraphernalia.  Each morning that they stayed dry through the night they got to move one stick over, when an accident occurred they had to move all of their sticks back.  We had a couple of really trying mornings, like the one where Lilian only had five sticks to go, but she sadly had to start all over again.  Luckily, that only happened once and they are proud to show off their new comforters and such to everyone!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bad. Bad. Blogger.

I have not had a chance to blog lately.  It is because we have been having so much fun around here.  And, our internet has been on the fritz for almost a month now.  So, here is an update on our family.

We have been enjoying the beautiful weather outside as much as possible.  We went to the Emmett Cruise and saw a lot of fun cars, got rained on, and ate some great pizza.

And, we have got in as much water time as possible too.

Sweet little Coppertone bum :o)

The kids' preschool had a "Buckaroo Day" where they wore their cowboy get-ups and had a big cowboy breakfast for lunch.  The kids LOVED it.

We also got the roller skates out...this might be a better activity for next year!

We spent a day at the zoo.  We hadn't been in a year or so and it was nice to have a family day out.  The weather was wonderful, which made it that much more enjoyable.  We went to the Idaho Historical Museum afterward and the kids really enjoyed that as well, but I didn't get any photos there.

Getting ready to feed the giraffes 

Daddy helping Lilian feed the "baby"

Lilian's favorite penguin called the Little Fairy

Next to an Emperor Penguin 

Braison's favorite penguin called a King

Braison next to the Emperor Penguin

Braison was the only one brave enough to feed the goats.

Watching the butterflies. 

Last weekend Lilian went camping with Grandpa and Grandma, so Braison had a whole weekend with Mommy and Daddy to himself.  We gave him options and he wanted to go to the fair...boy did he have a wonderful time.
Looking at all the fancy farm machinery 

Baa says Braison


Braison the farmer

Braison and mommy riding in the "jits"

Getting ready to go - all by himself (on the far left)
Way up in the air!

"I'm not too sure"

"Ok, I LOVE it!"

Braison's scared face.

Showing off their matching scared faces.

Swings! (Braison wasn't tall enough to ride alone)

He had a blast.

In the fun house

And, last, but certainly not least; Braison has taken to drinking salsa.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday Funnies

Lilian - I really don't want to go to pre-school today.
Daddy - You need to go so that you can learn stuff and be smart.
Lilian - But, Daddy, I already know everything!!


Lately, whenever Braison burps or passes gas, he says, "Excuse you!"