Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

The kids had a Halloween party at pre-school was a blast!  Wishing everyone a happy and safe Halloween night!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lilian's Date Night

Aunt Jen took Lilian to get her nails done and then shopping....what a great day!
Thank you Aunt Jen for the pretty nails and the fabulous new boots!  Lilian sure loves spending time with you!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Our "Regular 'ol Grandma" had a birthday yesterday.  We decided to surprise her with dinner and goodies last night.  We had a great dinner.
We are singing "Happy Birthday" to her
We love our grandma and wish her a year of happiness and all things wonderful!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Date Night

Ron's sister, Jen, took Braison on a date last night the the endurocross motorcycle races. He was beyond words excited to go.
 They drank orange juice, snacked on popcorn, and watched the races.  About two hours in, Braison proclaimed, "I'm bored."  So, their night was cut short, but I know that he still had a blast.  Thank you Aunt Jen for spoiling the kids rotten :o) week is Lilian's turn!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween Classic

We went to one of the final races at Firebird Raceway and also enjoyed the Halloween Classic events.  The kids got to put on their costumes for the first time this year...
Lilian was having a rough day, hence the displeased look that you will see in all of the photos from the evening. :o)  Oh well.  We still had a wonderful time watching the races and wheelie contest.
Watching the races with their "earpuffs" on.

Of course the kids had a blast trick-or-treating in the pits and came out with a quite a loot!  It was a wonderful evening at the track.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Braun and I were finally able to reunite; it had been a few years and a lot of life changes since we last got together.  Of course, we have a few new additions to our once duo...
Rob was also in town (he has been working in Singapore and gets to visit home for the time being).  It is always wonderful to see the Yzaguirre family, but this time was an extra special treat when we got to see the two men!  Thank you to Rob and Renae for a wonderful dinner, we had such a great time.  And, thank you to Brandi for entertaining the kids, they LOVED dressing up and keep talking about when they get to go back and do it again!

It is always comforting to be in the company of old and dear friends.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Copy Cat

Well, for some reason Lilian just has to copy her brother :o)  She had her own tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy yesterday.  She was actually pretty excited to go in and have it done (Braison was a wonderful role model) meant that she got to eat ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  I had taken Lilian with us to Braison's post-op appointment and asked the Dr. to just please take a peek in her throat (I knew she had the same problem).  Sure enough.  Chronic tonsillitis.  At least we are getting it resolved now and are hoping for many more healthy days than we have had!
Decorating her anesthesia mask
Saying good-bye before heading back with the doctor (sorry about the red eye)
Her procedure went well, no complications.
In the recovery room
We have already had a couple of small setbacks at home, but we are hoping that things will look up from here on out!

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Weekend Away

Braison and Lilian spent a long weekend with their Grandpa and Grandma Sue.  On Friday they went to the movies and finally saw Cars 2.  The kids were in heaven, they went to the theater where you eat your dinner while watching the movie :o)
Then, on Saturday they headed out to Horseshoe Bend to catch the train to a pumpkin patch in Banks.  They had an absolute blast!  They got lunch on the train and did all kinds of fun stuff...

On their way back, they also stopped in Emmett to attend the Renaissance Fair

Everyone was tired by the time they got back home!
The kids were on a major high after the weekend...thank you Grandpa and Grandma Sue for all that you do!  The kids always have a blast when they spend time with you!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011