Monday, November 21, 2011

Family Photos

We got our family photos done last week by a girlfriend of mine from high school.  It was cold, but we got some good photos.  Thanks again Jen!  Here are a few:

Saturday, November 19, 2011


We had a little party for the kids at Monkey Bizness again this year.  Some of the photos are good, some are grainy because the light in there is not the best.

Lilian getting ready to climb the rock wall

Getting a little help

Kloey climbing

Emma climbing

This is all the further Braison made it :o)

Braison and Anna

 The big slide was a HUGE hit....
Nana, Lilian, and Papa going down

Chloee, Kloey, and Ron





Emma and Ron

Ron holding Jack

Chloee, Anna, Krista, and Timothy

Jack Jack


Brandi and Braison (he was wore out!)

Just after blowing out his candle 

Getting sung to


Giving my dad "the look"

Payton and Papa

Grandpa Pat and Grandma Sheryl (Ron's mom and step-dad)


Opening gifts
We had a wonderful time and we hope everyone else did as well.  Thank you all for coming out and spoiling the kids rotten!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Birthday Girl

Happy 4th Birthday to Lilian

Lilian is still the princess of the house!  Here are some things that she might like to know about her 4 year old self:

* You LOVE anything princess and girly.
* Daddy is your knight in shining armor.  
* You have quite the attitude when you don't get your way.
* You are always looking for kisses and hugs.
* You always want to wear your hair "just like mommy's"
* You love to read.
* You are so very smart.
* Your best friend is Mariah (you go to preschool together).
* You tell stories with your hands, so animated.
* For your birthday dinner you want "basagna"  
* You can sing all of the lyrics to numerous Taylor Swift songs.
You know your whole name and how to spell it.
* You know both mommy and daddy's phone numbers.*
* You want a puppy, a German Shepard to be exact. 
* You like to shop, but only with mommy.
* You are NOT a morning person.
* You can write your name and most of the alphabet.
* You sleep with your "lovie."
* You love to play house.  You cook a lot of pretend meals.
* You dazzle everyone around you with your adorableness and your sweet voice.
* You weigh 31 pounds and are 3' 2.5" tall

You are such a light in our family, I can't even remember what life was like before you.  We have been truly blessed to have you in our lives!

Birthday Boy

Happy 4th Birthday to Braison!!

Braison is such a joy in our lives, here are some things that he should know about his 4 year old self:

* You are so loving.
* You are so so smart (like scares-us-sometimes-smart).
* You want to be a real Buzz Lightyear
* For your birthday dinner you want homemade pizza.
* You don't wet the bed anymore!
* You are so independent, you don't want help doing ANYTHING.
* Your smile is infectious and you are very photogenic.
* You hate peas. And meat. And cooked carrots.
* You already correct my grammar.
* You love casseroles (pretty much any kind).
* You can write your name, the whole alphabet, and numbers.
* You know your whole name and how to spell it.
* You know both mommy and daddy's phone numbers.
* You usually only hit your sister after she has hit you first.
* Your best friend is Lilian.
* You sleep with a yellow bear that grandpa won for you at the fair. And your car blanket.
* You are still terrified of the car wash.
* Everyone says that you look exactly like mommy.
* You randomly tell us that you love us and give us hugs and kisses.
* You like to work with your tools...while wearing high heals :o)
* You weigh 42 pounds and are 3' 4.5" tall.

You are so wonderfully amazing and instantly warm the heart of anyone you meet.  We are so lucky to have you in our lives!