Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Birthday Boy

Happy 4th Birthday to Braison!!

Braison is such a joy in our lives, here are some things that he should know about his 4 year old self:

* You are so loving.
* You are so so smart (like scares-us-sometimes-smart).
* You want to be a real Buzz Lightyear
* For your birthday dinner you want homemade pizza.
* You don't wet the bed anymore!
* You are so independent, you don't want help doing ANYTHING.
* Your smile is infectious and you are very photogenic.
* You hate peas. And meat. And cooked carrots.
* You already correct my grammar.
* You love casseroles (pretty much any kind).
* You can write your name, the whole alphabet, and numbers.
* You know your whole name and how to spell it.
* You know both mommy and daddy's phone numbers.
* You usually only hit your sister after she has hit you first.
* Your best friend is Lilian.
* You sleep with a yellow bear that grandpa won for you at the fair. And your car blanket.
* You are still terrified of the car wash.
* Everyone says that you look exactly like mommy.
* You randomly tell us that you love us and give us hugs and kisses.
* You like to work with your tools...while wearing high heals :o)
* You weigh 42 pounds and are 3' 4.5" tall.

You are so wonderfully amazing and instantly warm the heart of anyone you meet.  We are so lucky to have you in our lives!

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