Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Birthday Girl

Happy 4th Birthday to Lilian

Lilian is still the princess of the house!  Here are some things that she might like to know about her 4 year old self:

* You LOVE anything princess and girly.
* Daddy is your knight in shining armor.  
* You have quite the attitude when you don't get your way.
* You are always looking for kisses and hugs.
* You always want to wear your hair "just like mommy's"
* You love to read.
* You are so very smart.
* Your best friend is Mariah (you go to preschool together).
* You tell stories with your hands, so animated.
* For your birthday dinner you want "basagna"  
* You can sing all of the lyrics to numerous Taylor Swift songs.
You know your whole name and how to spell it.
* You know both mommy and daddy's phone numbers.*
* You want a puppy, a German Shepard to be exact. 
* You like to shop, but only with mommy.
* You are NOT a morning person.
* You can write your name and most of the alphabet.
* You sleep with your "lovie."
* You love to play house.  You cook a lot of pretend meals.
* You dazzle everyone around you with your adorableness and your sweet voice.
* You weigh 31 pounds and are 3' 2.5" tall

You are such a light in our family, I can't even remember what life was like before you.  We have been truly blessed to have you in our lives!

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