Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Funnies

It has been a while since I have done a Friday Funny....I will try harder to get back on the ball!

**(We were having dinner at Goodwood after the kids' birthday party, the waitress noticed the kids' pins that announced it was their birthday)

Waitress - How exciting! Happy Birthday! (She was leaning and looking down at Lilian when she said this)
Lilian - You just spit in my eye!
Waitress - Oh, you are so cute!

**(Tyler and Charley sent the kids a Christmas gift, which is the only gift under our tree so far)

Braison - After Lilian gets dressed, can we go open the Christmas gift?
Mommy - No, it is a Christmas gift, you have to wait until Christmas to open it.
Braison - How do you know we have to wait?
Mommy - The gift says right on it "Don't open until Christmas"
Braison - Well, I am going to go down there, erase that, and write, "Open before Christmas"
Mommy - Oh yeah?  How do you even spell "before?"
Braison - B-F-O-R!
Mommy - Close! But no cigar...looks like you are waiting for Christmas after all!
Braison - Dang it! Can I call Daddy?  I need to ask him how to spell "before" the right way...

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