Sunday, June 30, 2013

VBS 2013

The kids had a blast at VBS this year.  Last year, Lilian won an award for her awesome memorization skills (here) and this year, it was Braison's turn!  This year's theme was Neverland.

 After the performance, there was a little party with treats and inflatable jump houses and slides.

Lilian coming down



The kids are so proud of all their projects and verses memorized, we are so proud of them too!

Friday, June 28, 2013


...are there to help children get into mischief they haven't thought of yet.  What fun it is to spend a long weekend with Grandpa and Grandma.  Camping.

Collecting firewood

Hunting for bugs

Catching more bugs

Playing with their new friend, Skylar (she hails from Hailey)

Again with the heart attack

Crazy kids

The kids went on and on about the awesome weekend they had camping with Grandpa and Grandma.  They love being out and about.  And...two s'mores do they rate?!?!  Lucky dogs.  Thanks to my dad and Sue for making memories with the kids.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A New Do

Lilian decided that she is done with long hair.  She told her daddy, "I want to cut my hair.  Short enough that it doesn't get in my food, but not as short as it was when I was a bald baby."

She loves it!  What a great decision, especially for the summer!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Circus Circus

The kids are perfect age for the circus.  They understand the clowns jokes and pay attention to everything that is going on. Although the price of the circus is atrocious, in the end, the smiles are worth it.

I asked the kids what their favorite part of the circus was.  Lilian liked the trapeze artists...

Braison's favorite part was when the elephant relieved his bladder...

Are you kidding?!  This blog is rated "G"...I wouldn't subject our loyal readers (all 2 of you) to that! Must be a boy thing, that is all I can figure out.
And, apparently the circus now includes freestyle motocross.  Both the kids enjoyed that part.

Next year, we are going to the local track and just watching the motorcycles.  Much more cost effective.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Little Fish

The kids started their two weeks of swimming lessons today.

They both did so well!  And, it is even more fun because they are in class with their cousins, Payton and Chloee, and their friend Palmer.  It is going to be a fun two weeks!

Monday, June 10, 2013


So far, the kids have both been very good about helping with the chicks.  Good news is, they are still alive.  All of them.  They are getting bigger by the day.
It is pretty funny when the kids are chatting with them and they say, "You guys are safe now, but soon it will be OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!"

Friday, June 7, 2013

Singing In The Rain

For the Dance Across the USA, Lilian's dance class was representing Seattle.  Doing a dance to a Singing In  The Rain medley of songs.  She did so well and looked adorable.

I ordered the video of the production and will post it as soon as it arrives.  Dance is over for the summer, but Lilian is already anxious to pick it up again in the fall.  

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Finally!  The photos from Braison's soccer season that I have been promising.

First game. First goal.

Strategy planning. 

Part of Braison's cheering squad.

I think it was Uncle Kenny who called it "Chase Ball" at this age...

Very concentrated. 

Sometimes, you just get kicked in the face. Unavoidable.