Friday, February 21, 2014


How Do You Make a Kleenex Dance?

You put a little boogie in it!

This is Braison's favorite joke to tell.  He laughs hysterically every time he tells it too.  Typical 6 year old joke.

Typical 6 year old spelling words; bay, it, and, dust, pool, mow, cook.  Braison handed me his schoolwork the other day and I noticed something written on the back.  Normally, this is a picture that he has drawn of himself and his teacher, Mrs. Deming, with "I love you Mrs. Deming" written along the bottom.  Anyway, this was not the case this time.  This is what I found:

When I asked him what they were, he stated that after he finished his work, he just wanted to write some words for extra credit.  Little smarty pants.

Ron said it best; What a stud!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Don't Forget... pamper yourself once in a while.

Friday, February 14, 2014


A day to spread the love.

We made cupcakes and frosted sugar cookies for the kids to share at their class love party.

We also made Valentine's for everyone in their class...Lilian gave the mason jars and Braison gave the takeout boxes.  Everyone loved them.  Who doesn't love to get a jar full of sweets?!

And, we made these "boxes" for the kids to receive Valentine's from their friends.  When we got to school though, I was informed that they had already made bags to collect goodies in.  Oh well, maybe we can just save these for next year.

Here's to wishing all of our family and friends lots of love and happiness today and always!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We Made It...

...6 years 2 months and 20 days.  I thought maybe, just maybe, we were out of the woods.  But, alas, it happened. Braison cut his own hair.

It's hard to see in the photo with the light.  He cut a chunk out of the front of his hair.  He said he was just cutting his hair so that mommy wouldn't have to.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sunshine in Wintertime

We took a little trip to where the palm trees sway to escape the cold.  Here are a few snippets of our adventure...
Ready to fly away

Bubba Gump Shrimp, Monterey, CA
We stopped at the Monterey Bay aquarium, it was difficult to get a photo.

Being clams
 After Monterey, we took Scenic Highway 1 down the coast, past Big Sur and to where the elephant seals beach....they were just having babies, so we got to see lots of little ones.  Lilian exclaimed, "This is the best day of my life!" Odd, since she had just been car sick not five minutes prior, but after cleaning up and seeing the seals, that was quickly forgotten.

Those are not rocks, but the elephant seals

Lilian and Grandad

Grandad and Braison
 We spent the rest of our time in and around Pismo Beach, California.

Sail boats made from shells, from our friend Val

Looking for whales off the pier 

Braison trying to get a photo with the pelican...the pelican wouldn't let him any closer

Admiring the butterfly pods with Aunt Pam

Can you spot the little people?
 We took a day trip to Solvang and Santa Maria.

I've been taking a photo in this same shoe since I was about 2

Another favorite stop

Avila Beach
We swam a lot.  Both Braison and Lilian got very comfortable in the water and were jumping in and swimming to me!

In front of the big painted Pismo Clam
We had one slightly rainy day, so we decided to go to San Luis Obispo for the day and check out the Children's Discovery Museum....HUGE hit.  The kids didn't want to leave!
Lilian playing baker at the discovery museum
 On the way back we had to stop at the Madonna Inn, Lilian was in love with all the pink!  Braison was in love with the unique restroom.

In front of the Madonna Inn

deja vu...I'll have to find it's match from 2009

Thanks to Grandma and Grandad, we had a wonderful time and were happy to escape the cold and snow for a few days!