Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Funnies

Mommy - I am sorry Braison, you are just not big enough to ride in the car without your booster seat yet.
Braison - But, I am trying so hard to grow really long!


Mommy - Lilian, you need to eat all of your vegetables.
Lilian - You can't be serious right now!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Blessings

We had a wonderful Easter this year.  It was a whole weekend of festivities.  It started on Saturday when we went to Grandma Sheryl and Grandpa Pat's for an egg hunt and dinner.  The kids had a great time discovering "treasure" in each egg!
Thank you Grandma Sheryl, Grandpa Pat, and Aunt Jen for a fun time and yummy dinner!

On Sunday, we got up and went to church.  It was a great service and the kids did really well, they were in the service with us instead of in Sunday School. We were with Nana and Papa, so that helped too.  After church we went home to see if the Easter Bunny had come by our house.  We weren't disappointed.

He had also hid eggs in the back yard that were filled with money! :o)

Then we made a cake to take to dinner at Nana and Papa's.
After a delicious dinner with Nana, Papa, and Grandma Barbara, we had one more egg hunt!
In between church and madness, we were able to get a couple of nice photos.

We hope everyone had a blessed day!  We are so grateful for the reason that we celebrate today!
Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Eggs

It took us two evenings, but we finally got our Easter eggs done and ready for the big day!

We had so much fun letting our creative juices flow!  The kids are thrilled to both be going to preschool tomorrow for a special Easter party and egg hunt.  Hopefully we will be able to get a few photos!

Big Kids

Braison and Lilian have been practicing their letters (writing) a lot lately.  We were getting ready to send Grandpa Ben a birthday card and I asked the kids to sign it for him.  They have been writing their names for a while now, but we hadn't taken a photo until last night.

The photos aren't the greatest, but I think you get the idea :o)  They are doing so well for only being 3 years old. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Slithery Friend

Today, we went to visit Grandma Sheryl and Grandpa Pat for a bit.  The kids love to go over there and play with all of the fun toys (they even have a real slot machine!).  But, this visit Braison found something that he was even more excited to play with than normal.  A "worm" named Spots...

Lilian claimed, "I like his tail, just not his face."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Funnies

Mommy - Braison, who is this Barbie?
Braison - That is Pocahantamus.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa!

It is so hard to believe that is has already been a whole year since we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday.  When I told Ron that we were going to a BBQ for my dad's birthday, he said, "Already?! It can't be his birthday AGAIN!"  I guess time does fly when you are having fun (or getting older in a hurry!) :o)
My dad and Sue had a BBQ at their house this weekend to mark the big day.  It was great weather (not great enough to eat outside, but at least nice enough to cook outside), and my dad made a wonderful steak/rib dinner for everyone.  Some of his friends came out to celebrate as well.  The kids decided that grandpa should have a hammer cake (anyone who knows my dad can understand why). 
Sad, I didn't even think about it until after we left, that we didn't get a photo of the kids with him.  I will have to remember to get one next time we are all together.  We are so fortunate to have such an awesome dad/grandpa who we love so very much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Birthday John/Papa

Today is my step-father's birthday.  We decided to have a dinner at our house for him to celebrate.  The kids were so excited to help cook and to make a special cake.  I let them decide on the cake, whatever they wanted.  The decided to make a lightbulb for him since that is what he does at work (he is an electrician).  We had a wonderful ham dinner and enjoyed family time together.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thanks for being such a wonderful step-dad and Papa, we sure do love you!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring, are you here?

We had a couple of nice days, nice enough to get out and play a little, finally!!  The kids (and us) have been getting cabin fever bad lately, we are all being a little more naughty than usual because we are too cooped up! 
The kids got to get out on their new bikes and ride a little.

Braison got the hang of riding really quick, Lilian is doing great, but still needs a push every once in a while :o)
The kids love their helmets so much that they wanted to keep them on even after riding bikes.

Hopefully the nice weather stays, we have birthday parties and BBQs planned all weekend!

Friday Funnies

Lilian - One day, I am going to have a baby girl.  Her name will be Sally, but most people will just call her "Flashy" for short.


The kids were splashing around in the bathtub and getting a little crazy.
Mommy - Please stop splashing so much, you are getting water all over the floor.
Braison - Grandma lets us splash this much!
Mommy - Do I look like Grandma?
Briason - A little, yes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's

I have a few things up my sleeve for today, but they will have to wait to be revealed until after I have successfully completed them :o)

We are ready for spring around here.  Also, the kids are really looking forward to Easter.