Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Funnies

Lilian (age 3) answers questions about Daddy:

What is something daddy always says to you?
     I love you.
What makes daddy happy?
     When I smile at him.
What makes daddy sad?
     When I don't smile.
How does your daddy make you laugh?
     He tickles me.
What was your daddy like as a child?
     Nice to his sister.
How old is your daddy?
     32 (She is right!!)
How tall is your daddy?
     Bigger than big.
What is his favorite thing to do?
What does your daddy do when you're not around?
     Just stays at the house.
If your daddy becomes famous, what will it be for?
     For being my daddy.
What is your daddy really good at?
     Putting some things away.
What is your daddy not very good at?
     Not putting his lunchbox where it belongs.
What does your daddy do for a job?
     Works at the work he works at.
What is your daddy's favorite food?
What makes you proud of your daddy?
     When he shovels.
If your daddy were a cartoon character, who would he be?
     A birdie.
What do you and your daddy do together?
     Go to the store and the car races.
How are you and your daddy the same?
     We have the same shirt sometimes.
How are you and your daddy different?
     We don't have the same forks at dinner.
How do you know your daddy loves you?
     He just does.
What does your daddy like most about your mommy?
     She puts pictures up.
Where is your daddy's favorite place to go?
     The parts store. (She knows her daddy well!)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison (age 3) answers questions about Daddy:

What is something daddy always says to you?
     I love you.
What makes daddy happy?
     When I don't cry.
What makes daddy sad?
     When I cry.
How does your daddy make you laugh?
     He tickles me.
What was your daddy like as a child?
     Like me!
How old is your daddy?
     22 (Are you kidding me?!?)
How tall is your daddy?
What is his favorite thing to do?
     Eat breakfast.
What does your daddy do when you're not around?
     Probably just cries.
If your daddy becomes famous, what will it be for?
     Working hard.
What is your daddy really good at?
     Working on the car.
What is your daddy not very good at?
What does your daddy do for a job?
     Reads books, sings songs, and does his ABC's.
What is your daddy's favorite food?
     Chicken tacos.
What makes you proud of your daddy?
     When he doesn't cry.
If your daddy were a cartoon character, who would he be?
      Mickey Mouse.
What do you and your daddy do together?
     Work on cars and play.
How are you and your daddy the same?
     We use "odorent." (aka - deodorant)
How are you and your daddy different?
     I have camouflage eyes and he has blue.
How do you know your daddy loves you?
     He signs "I love you" to me.
What does your daddy like most about your mommy?
      She is his best friend.
Where is your daddy's favorite place to go?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Funnies

Lilian (age 3) answers questions about Mommy:

What is something mommy always says to you?
What makes mommy happy?
     When I smile at her.
What makes mommy sad?
     When I cry.
How does your mommy make you laugh?
     She smiles at me.
What was your mommy like as a child?
How old is your mommy?
     41 (Now I am getting a complex!)
How tall is your mommy?
     Not too tall.
What is her favorite thing to do?
     Her chores.
What does your mommy do when you're not around?
     She just stays downstairs and hides.
If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
     For being with daddy.
What is your mommy really good at?
     Putting her purse away.
What is your mommy not very good at?
     Putting her sunglasses away.
What does your mommy do for a job?
     Works with the "K" (I work at Kormylo Orthopedic and the "K" is our logo.)
What is your mommy's favorite food?
What makes you proud of your mommy?
     Wearing the best shirts.
If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
     Teacher Susie (From Sid the Sience Kid)
What do you and your mommy do together?
How are you and your mommy the same?
     We like pink.
How are you and your mommy different?
     Her hair is brown and mine is white.
How do you know your mommy loves you?
     Because she hugs and kisses me.
What does your mommy like most about your daddy?
    Hugging each other.
Where is your mommy's favorite place to go?
     Wal-Mart (Ha!)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weekend Warriors

We had a fun, busy weekend.
We headed up to my Uncle Jay (my dad's brother) and Aunt Kelly's place in Cascade.  They were there for a long weekend, along with my grandparents (my dad's parents).  It was nice to get out into the fresh air.
We stopped at a gas station in Horseshoe Bend & got a photo with the fire truck.

Braison playing on a stump in the yard.

Lilian on her stump.

They are putting on a dancing show.
My Uncle Jay and Grandpa Bud had been out on the lake fishing all morning and came back with a couple little perch.  The kids "helped" Jay clean them and then he BBQ-ed them for a little afternoon snack.
He just wanted crackers at first, but quickly realized he really liked the fish on the crackers!

She knew she would like the fish :o)
We piled in the truck and went to the Kayak Whitewater Freestyle Point Series Championships that were being held.  It was interesting to watch them do tricks in the little kayaks.  I am a nerd and didn't take one single photo. Then, we went to check out the lake.

After dinner, we piled in the truck again and they took us to Gold Fork Hot Springs.  Here are the kids, being themselves on the way there....

The hot springs were wonderful!  They have a kid pool, then a series of pools that cascade down into each other, so the further down you go, the cooler the water is.  We will be coming back here, that is for sure!
A big "THANK YOU" to Jay, Kelly, Grandma DeLorus, and Grandpa Bud for a wonderful day in the mountains! 

We got home really late on Saturday night, so we slept in on Sunday morning, which was really nice.  Then, we headed out to MotorFest.  The kids, all 3 of them :o), had a wonderful time.  It is always fun to see all of the cars and spend the day outside.  
He has really like fire trucks lately. 

And police cars.

Watching the motorcycles in the "Globe of Death"
Braison and Lilian especially liked the motorcycles in the Globe of Death.  I think Braison has decided that that is what he wants to do when he grows up.   
We sure do love these summer weekends!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Better Late Than Never...

Here are the kids' preschool photos from a couple of months ago...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Funnies

**The next 4 weeks will be question and answer Friday Funnies**

Braison (age 3) answers questions about Mommy:

What is something mommy always says to you?
     Don't do it!
What makes mommy happy?
     When I don't get in trouble.
What makes mommy sad?
     When I get hurt or be mean to sissy.
How does your mommy make you laugh?
     She tickles me.
What was your mommy like as a child?
     Growing up.
How old is your mommy?
     52. (I think I just sprouted a grey hair :o)
How tall is your mommy?
What is her favorite thing to do?
     Go swimming with me.
What does your mommy do when you're not around?
If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
     Singing or hanging things on the wall.
What is your mommy really good at?
     Doing her ekersizes.
What is your mommy not very good at?
     Driving. (Sad day)
What does your mommy do for a job?
     Chores at her work and at our house.
What is your mommy's favorite food?
     Tacos, salad, ice tea, and stuff.
What makes you proud of your mommy?
     For her to not cry.
If your mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?
     Minnie Mouse.
What do you and your mommy do together?
     Build blocks, go out, play, and that is all I know.
How are you and your mommy the same?
     We just are.
How are you and your mommy different?
     I have camouflage eyes and she has brown eyes.
How do you know your mommy loves you?
     She tells me that.
What does your mommy like most about your daddy?
     He is silly sometimes.
Where is your mommy's favorite place to go?
     Work and home.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Let Freedom Ring!

We had a great 4th of July weekend.  We started our festivities on Sunday, having a BBQ with some family that we don't get to see very often.  My great-aunt June, great-uncle Rob and cousins; Joel, Chantil, Robyn, Brandon, Nicole, and Carly.  We had a wonderful time catching up and meeting some of the spouses for the first time.  We were also celebrating Nicole's birthday, hence the cupcake face.

Thank you Lowe family for including us in your celebration!

On Monday we had a BBQ with my dad, step-mom, and a few other friends.  The kids really enjoyed the fireworks this year, so that was a lot of fun.  Justin really enjoyed being able to light all of the fireworks this year!

Showing off his smoke bombs

She is also pretty excited about hers

Brave enough to play with sparklers this year!

Still getting used to it.

Showing Grandpa how it is done!

Striking a pose

We are so grateful for our freedom and appreciate being able to reflect on the fact while spending time with family and friends.  Thank you everyone for celebrating with us!