Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison (age 3) answers questions about Daddy:

What is something daddy always says to you?
     I love you.
What makes daddy happy?
     When I don't cry.
What makes daddy sad?
     When I cry.
How does your daddy make you laugh?
     He tickles me.
What was your daddy like as a child?
     Like me!
How old is your daddy?
     22 (Are you kidding me?!?)
How tall is your daddy?
What is his favorite thing to do?
     Eat breakfast.
What does your daddy do when you're not around?
     Probably just cries.
If your daddy becomes famous, what will it be for?
     Working hard.
What is your daddy really good at?
     Working on the car.
What is your daddy not very good at?
What does your daddy do for a job?
     Reads books, sings songs, and does his ABC's.
What is your daddy's favorite food?
     Chicken tacos.
What makes you proud of your daddy?
     When he doesn't cry.
If your daddy were a cartoon character, who would he be?
      Mickey Mouse.
What do you and your daddy do together?
     Work on cars and play.
How are you and your daddy the same?
     We use "odorent." (aka - deodorant)
How are you and your daddy different?
     I have camouflage eyes and he has blue.
How do you know your daddy loves you?
     He signs "I love you" to me.
What does your daddy like most about your mommy?
      She is his best friend.
Where is your daddy's favorite place to go?

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