Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's Christmas Time

We have had a busy, but fun Christmas.  It is a lot of work to get everything in that we want to, but in the end it is all worth it.  We went to see Santa on Sunday, the 23rd...after waiting in line for 2 hours, Lilian was tongue tied and couldn't decide what to ask him for!

That evening we had a wonderful meal and company at my mom's house.  My mother, John, BJ, Krista, Chloee, Payton, and the four of us enjoyed the night together.  I only got one photo, of the kids.
Christmas Eve we went to Ron's mother's for dinner and presents.  It was a great dinner and we were spoiled rotten!  The kid's got a new trampoline that they can hardly wait to be set up at home!
Kids with their Aunt Jen
Kids with their Aunt Sydney

After dinner, we went to my dad's for dessert and another gift exchange.  I didn't get any photos there, but I will post the ones my dad took when he sends them.
Christmas Day was quiet and nice.  The kids made the nice list and Santa brought a new bike for Braison and a new vanity for Lilian.
We took a couple photos to mark the holiday.

Grandma and Grandad stopped by for a minute to spoil us some more.
Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas special.  We are so lucky to have so much family close and be able to spend time with the ones that we love.  We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Here is the video from Lilian's dance recital.
The quality is not great, but Lilian is in the front row, second over from the right (when looking at the stage).  She is the only one with glasses.
She really loved being on the stage and told me afterward that she wished she could have stayed up there and danced with all the other groups.  What a ham!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Long Holiday Weekend

**This blog is being created due to overwhelming requests (ok, only one. Uncle Ken).  And, he may well be my only reader, so who am I to not listen to my public?**

We had a nice, low key Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year.  Here is what the feast (which I single-handedly prepared and served, thank you very much) looked like:
Ok, this isn't the actual feast I prepared, but it could be my feast's twin.  I didn't capture my own photo.  Sorry.  It was great to have my mom, John, Grandma, Grandad, Grandma Barbara, Grandma Shirley, and Uncle Mike (John's brother from Missouri who happened to be passing through town) to dinner.  We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives and are so grateful for each and every one of them.

The day after, in lieu of shopping with the crazies, we went the the Boise Festival of Trees where Lilian's dance class had a performance.  It was adorable.

 We had a great couple of days.  Then, the flu hit.  Hard.  So, now we are trying to recover.  So much for a nice, productive, long weekend.  Oh well, at least we are getting some good cuddling time in!

Friday, November 16, 2012


20 Questions for Lilian on her 5th birthday:
 - What is your favorite color? Pink
 - What is your favorite toy?  Baby dolls
 - What is your favorite fruit?  Strawberries 
 - What is your favorite TV show?  Max and Ruby
 - What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  PB & J
 - What is your favorite outfit?  Pink and grey skirt
 - What is your favorite game?  Go Fish 
 - What is your favorite snack?  Crackers
 - What is your favorite animal?  Puppies 
 - What is your favorite song?  If I Die Young by The Band Perry
 - What is your favorite book?  Berstein Bears - Too Much TV
 - Who is your best friend?  Braison
 - What is your favorite cereal?  Honey Nut Cheerios
 - What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play soccer
 - What is your favorite drink?  Water
 - What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas
 - What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Lovey
 - What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Waffles and peaches
 - What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Homemade Pizza
 - What do you want to be when you grow up?  Singer

We can't believe how fast time has gone!  You are so loving, smart, compassionate, quick to anger, joyful, chatty (putting is mildly!), and able to adapt so easily.  You are doing wonderful in school, you love to learn, but mostly to socialize.  You give the best hugs and lots of them.  If it is sparkly and girly, we can bet on you loving it.  You are becoming quite the dancer and your singing knows no bounds, singing along to any (and I mean ANY) song that comes on.  Watching you grow these last five years has been the highlight of my life.  You are so very cherished by so many people!  Happy Birthday Lilian!

Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2012


20 Questions for Braion on his 5th birthday:
 - What is your favorite color? Blue
 - What is your favorite toy?  Race Cars
 - What is your favorite fruit?  Bananas 
 - What is your favorite TV show?  Toy Story
 - What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Chicken
 - What is your favorite outfit?  "Dad's Deputy" Shirt
 - What is your favorite game?  Mr. Pencil
 - What is your favorite snack?  Fruit and oranges
 - What is your favorite animal?  Dinosaurs 
 - What is your favorite song?  American Girl by Martina McBride
 - What is your favorite book?  Kermit and the New Bike
 - Who is your best friend?  My teddy bear
 - What is your favorite cereal?  Fruit Loops
 - What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Roll down hills of grass
 - What is your favorite drink?  Sprite
 - What is your favorite holiday?  Halloween
 - What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Car blanket
 - What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Bananas and waffles
 - What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Peas, carrots, and fried chicken
 - What do you want to be when you grow up?  Super hero or a Knight

It is so hard to believe that you are 5 years old!  You are so smart (too smart for your own good sometimes!), tender hearted, driven, stubborn, loving, pensive, and quick to laugh or cry.  You can already read and write and you are doing so very well on learning math.  Your questions are endless and you love soaking up the new information you receive.  When asked on our vacation what you really wanted to do, you replied, "I would like to go somewhere so I can explore and learn things."  The nickname "Button Boy" is still very accurate.  When we put you to bed last night, you mentioned that you wished you could stay little forever.  Me too.  But, it is such a joy to watch you grow and learn and explore the world around you.  You are loved beyond measure.  Happy Birthday Braison!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Birthday Madness

This year Braison and Lilian are turning 5 (ahh!!), so in celebration we took a little vacation.  To Disneyland and San Diego.  I have about a million photos, but I will spare you and only post half :o)  We drug my grandparents along (kicking and screaming).  We started out last Saturday and drove to Bishop, CA where we stayed for the night.  Then, on Sunday we went on to Anaheim.  

Checking in at the Paradise Pier Disney Resort
 Monday is when the real fun began.  We got ready to head out to all the fun with special shirts and buttons (thank you Disneyland).

 We spent the first day in California Adventure where the new Cars Land is (our # priority for the day).
Getting ready to race

So excited to race!

With Lightning McQueen

With Tow Mater 
We rode on all of the rides that we could handle.  Lilian was even brave enough to go on the Tower of Terror.  She loved it.
We thought she was crying (it is pitch black in there), but she was actually laughing.
We got to meet Woody from Toy Story (our first character!)
Braison was still a little apprehensive
The next two days we spent in Disneyland.

Waiting to meet some princesses 

On the riverboat 

Quality time

One of life's missions.  Complete.

Mickey's house

Lilian was in love

 We waited for over an hour to go to Pixie Hallow.  Once we shrunk to fairy size, I was afraid Lilian wouldn't leave!
Lilian's favorite


I think he almost got it

I think she almost got a hernia

Toontown was a huge hit

With Walt and Mickey
We talked the kids into going on Splash Mountain with us.  Best. Decision. Ever.

We rode the train around the park and waited some (but, not much).  We picked a good week.

 At night, after the parks closed, we spent our time roaming Downtown Disney.

Hulk made out of Legos
On Thursday, we headed down to San Diego.  We took the trolley ride around town and out to Coronado to get a little beach time in.

Braison fell in

Friday we spent the day at SeaWorld...
With the flamingos
And, the real reason that Grandad and I wanted to go to SeaWorld...

 We had a WONDERFUL time (thanks Grandma and Grandad for making the trip that much more memorable).  After our fun filled week, I think everyone was pooped and ready to head home.

 Happy early birthday to our babies!  Now, what will we do next year?  I think we might have set the bar a little high...