Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas Cheer and Catching Up

We are finally moved and almost settled.  So, now I can catch up on Christmas and get back to blogging regularly.

We had quite the Christmas celebrations this year.  The weekend before we went to my mom's for dinner/gifts with my mom, John, BJ and family.  It was a very nice evening and we were spoiled rotten.  I think John got some photos of the evening, but I don't have any.

Christmas Eve Eve we had dinner and then went to look at lights.

On Christmas Eve we had a brunch for my mom's side of the family.
Great-Great-Grandma Shirley, Lilian, Braison, Great-Great-Grandma Barbara
Unfortunately, I didn't get photos of anyone else.  But, I got a couple of cute ones of the kids in their Christmas outfits.

Lilian and DeeDee had matching dresses

Then, we went to Ron's mom's house for Christmas Eve dinner.  It was so great to spend some time with them and we were spoiled there as well.  I didn't take any photos there, not sure why.  When we got home we put on new pajamas and opened up gifts from other family members and each other.



We got ready for bed and left some cookies and milk out for Santa.
On Christmas morning, we finally woke the kids up at 9 so that we would have time for breakfast and to check out what Santa brought before we had to leave for church.

The kids LOVE the LeapPads that Santa brought. 
After church, a little more playing, and naps we headed to my dad's house for Christmas dinner.  It was a WONDERFUL dinner, as usual and great company.  We were, of course, spoiled there as well.  My dad has photos, but I haven't got them yet.

We had a wonderful holiday and are so grateful for all of our family and being able to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

We celebrated my mom and Ron's birthdays at a little place in Star called "Sully's" 
This is how my mom felt about turning 52

This is how Ron felt about turning 33 :o)
More to come soon!

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