Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Doctor Doctor Give Me The News

So, the kids' finally had their 4 year well-child checkups today.  Here are the specifics (the percentages next to them is the percentile where they fall with their peers):

     Braison -
       42.6 lbs (90%)
       40 5/2" tall (90%)
    Lilian -
       36 lbs (30%)
       38 3/8" tall (<5%)

They each had to get five, yes FIVE, shots.  I didn't think that they would have to get any this trip, but apparently all of the shots required for kindergarten have to be started now.  I think my eardrums might have been punctured.  On the bright side, they won't need any boosters for four whole weeks.  Yippee.

Other than the shot trauma, everything checked out perfect.  In fact, the doctor said that there are no indications in either one that would even hint at the fact that they were born so premature (WHOOHOO!).  The doctor couldn't comment enough on how bright both of the kids are.  She would like to see them in kindergarten this coming year, but I am not sure there is a school that will take them this young.  So, I have my work cut out for me.

Obviously "before" the devil nurse arrived :o)
We are so blessed to have two beautiful, bright, healthy babies.

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