Tuesday, January 24, 2012

100 - 1

Today we celebrated my great-grandmother's 99th birthday!  I think she was overwhelmed with the fuss that was made over her :o)
Grandma Shirley with her son, Grandad

G'ma Shirley, my mom (her granddaughter), Braison (her great-great grandson)
We took a cake over and sang to her.
Grandma Shirley can tell you the date and place that she bought any particular item, especially clothes.  She has lived an interesting life and is happy to share memories and stories with anyone who will listen. I have very fond and vivid memories of spending lots of summer hours at her house swimming, and she always had a piece of american cheese for me to eat when I was done.
We are so fortunate that she lives close and we were able to celebrate her day of birth!

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