Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Funnies

*We were in the car, using the GPS to get somewhere.
GPS Lady - Turn left here.
Braison - Geez, we are lady!!


Ron - I ate two pieces of pizza.
*Nice save Lilian :o)


Lilian - It is getting foggy up in here!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


When I was twelve years old, my grandparents got Tyler and I a surprise.  We were so excited to find out what it was, when the lady showed up to the house with a box, it was all we could do to wait for her to get in the house to find out what was in it.  And, what was in this mystery box?  A rat. Or so I though.

Turns out, this was no rat, but our new PUPPY!!  We were so excited!  So, after meeting him that first day, we began the difficult task of picking out a name.  We had a list of names that we all liked and from that list we narrowed it down to just a few names.  Then, we put those names on slips of paper to draw out of a hat.  And so we had, Toto.

We had the welcome home of all welcome home parties (as far as puppies are concerned) for Toto when he was big enough to leave his momma.

Over the years, we had lots of fun with Toto, he even got his own birthday parties and cakes :o)

As Tyler and I grew older, we spent less and less time at our grandparents house and in turn, with Toto.  We loved him dearly, but with him living at Grandma and Grandad's and us living at home, he became more their dog than ours.  Even though, until the very end, all either one of us had to do was walk through the door of their house, start talking, and Toto would come running.  He never forgot us, just as we will never forget him.  Toto was indeed one of the most lovable, adorable, and affection dogs there ever was.  He became like a child to my Grandma and Grandad, they very rarely went anywhere without him and he was sure spoiled rotten :o)

 Toto with his new friend
14th birthday

Toto left this Earth today, just a month shy of his 15th birthday, in San Luis Obispo, California (probably, like Grandma and Grandad, his most favorite place to be).  He is now in a place where he can lay in the sunshine all day long and eat nothing but chicken bones for every meal, he is free of pain and can run and play once again.

Fond memories of our beloved Toto will always warm our hearts.

February 22, 1996 - January 20, 2011

Dogs come into our lives, leave pawprints on our hearts, and we are forever changed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Show Time

We took the kids to their first movie at the theater.  We saw...
We went to the $1 theater because we weren't sure how they would do, so we didn't want to spend a lot of money, just in case we had to walk out.  Turns out, they LOVED it!!

 Probably because they got to eat popcorn and nachos for lunch :o) They really enjoyed the show itself and got into it, laughing at the appropriate times and not talking too much during the whole thing.  We were so proud of them!
As we were walking out, Braison asked when we got to go to another show :o)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison - Grandad, want to see my new Toy Story toys?
Grandad - Sure, where are they?
Braison - They are displayed on my armoire in my bedroom.
Grandad - What did you say?  I didn't even know what an armoire was until I was fifty!


Mommy - Lilian, you need to get in the shower.
Lilian - (running around naked) NOOOOO!!! I am just going to have to run away from this place!


Braison - Can I call Gandma and tell her about inertia?
Mommy - What do you want to tell her about it?
Braison - That she needs to wear her seat belt to keep her safe.  When grandmas were little they didn't have seat belts. Do you know that mommy?
Mommy - You are so smart Braison!
Braison - I know.


Lilian - (sitting at the table, eating lunch)What's that smell?
Braison - I don't know.
Lilian - Did you toot Braison?
Braison - No.
Lilian - Did I toot? I didn't hear anything.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Funnies

Braison - Daddy, can you draw me a bath? My back hurts.

Lilian - I'm thirsty.
Me - I am mommy, it is nice to meet you, Thirsty.
Lilian - No mommy, I am not a real cup!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well, we had a very rough New Year's Eve and we were afraid that was a sign of an impending bad year.

Here is how it all went down (we did not get any photos of our bad day) -

We had made the decision to go to my mother's work for dinner on New Year's Eve (she was working that night), we were going to take her birthday cards and her gift, seems how we would not see her on New Year's Day (her actual birthday).  So, off to the mall we went.  We first went to the Hallmark store to pick out the perfect cards.  While in the store, I was busy looking at cards, and Ron and the kids were dutifully following me around.  The kids wanted to be picked up, so Ron grabbed each of them by one arm and was lifting them up when Lilian's arm "popped" and she comensed to screaming and crying.  So, after some deliberations in the mall, when Lilian stated that she was unable to move her wrist (or entire arm for that matter), we decided to take her into the urgent care, just to be safe.  For the next hour, we had x-rays and exams by the doctors and nurses (Lilian did SO SO well, she answered their questions and held super still for the x-rays).  The doctor poured over the x-rays, but couldn't see any obvious breaks.  But, there is a catch when a child is as young as Lilian - the bones that are in her wrist are still mostly cartilage right now and because of the low density in her other bones, sometimes you can't see a break or fracture for a couple of weeks.  So, they decided to put her into a splint and wait until the radiologist could read the x-ray, just to make sure they didn't miss anything.

Now, back to the mall we went to grab the gift and cards (Lilian was doing well, but balked every time we even breathed on her arm).  Then, we headed out to have dinner, a little later than we had planned.

Dinner was wonderful, but we were all beat, so we headed home for what we hoped would be a nice quite evening.  Wrong, again.

Ron fell asleep on the couch around 11, I had been helping Lilian about every hour (she couldn't turn over or anything by herself, she just cried out).  At about 2am, Ron heard her cry out and got up to help her.  He then came into the bedroom to go to bed.  I was laying in bed already and talking to him about Lilian (this was REALLY breaking his heart) when I saw headlights passing in front of our house, they were going pretty slow.  Now, let me tell any of you who might not know, most everyone drives about 40mph in front of our house, in our subdivision, so I thought "WOW! Finally, somebody with some respect is coming through the neighborhood!" Wrong, again.

Ron looked out our bedroom window right about then and saw a pickup parked in the middle of the road, right in front of our house.  He then saw a young man get out of said pickup with a tiny flashlight.  Then, that said young man walked up to Ron's pickup and commenced to try and pick the lock on the toolbox that sits in the bed of the pickup.  Mind you, I am still laying in bed and have no idea what is going on at this point.  Ron opens the blinds and window and starts yelling at this said young man, who promptly hops back in the waiting pickup and they take off. 

Well, Ron flies downstairs, grabs his shoes and coat and heads out after them.  When they took off, they turned onto the next street, which happens to dead-end behind our house, so we thought we were pretty safe in catching them.  Wrong, again.

They actually drive up a sidewalk walkway at the end of the cul-de-sac and get back out onto the main road, probably passing right by the police officers that were on their way to come get them.  So, Ron spent the next half hour (3am, temperatures dipping to low single digits) unloading all of his tools out of the toolbox and into the garage.  Ugh.

New Year's morning, we wake up, everyone aside from Braison is in a bad mood due to lack of sleep, irritation of our fellow humans, or a combination of the two.  So, we decided to go get some pancakes and then run the errands that we needed to get done for the day.  Towards the end of our breakfast, a lady (probably 60ish) came up to our table while her and her husband were on their way out and complimented on how well behaved our children were and how it was always refreshing for her to see a young family that knows how to act out in public.  What a wonderful way to start our day! It is always nice to hear such kind words from a stranger.  We found out, just after they had left, that they had also taken care of our bill.

So, to the kind people that bought our breakfast, had you known the evening we had just endured and the frustration that we were feeling, you would know that that your kind words were more than we could have ever hoped for.  But, your generosity on top of that was unsurpassed.  We are so grateful to be reminded that there are still good, honest, loving people in this world. We couldn't thank you enough for making our day!

I think it is going to be a wonderful year...
